Those who are in Christ have been given a very great privilege; that of going to the Lord in prayer, and asking of him that which they desire, and truly we know that the ears of the Lord are open to the prayer of the righteous. It was the Lord Jesus who instructed that we ask, seek, and knock, isn't it? And that when we do, there would be answers from him, right? Knowing this as believers, shouldn't this be something we delight to do:praying?
How do you think a child would respond or seize an opportunity if told by his parent that he could ask anything from them, and at any time as well? I tell you that would be like the greatest news he ever heard especially when he gets the assurance that whatever he asks for would be granted to him when he does ask for them. Bearing this in mind, and also trusting the words of his parent, the child would seek for every opportunity to make his request known to them.
That's the same way it should be with the Christian believer. Given the instruction to ask, we should do so at every opportunity we get, and in every situation as well, trusting that the one who has told us to call will give ears to our prayers. Amen. Shall we look into the passage of the scripture below to consider how it is we are to pray as believers?
"Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust".(Psalm 16:1).
The invitation has been given. We have been charged, and admonished to, the assurance as well has been given that when we pray, there would be answers. The problem however remains that we fail to pray, and even if we claim to pray, we pray too little in the sense that we seldom make our requests known, yet expect that answers be given. The Lord help us to trace our steps, and harness fully our privileges in prayer. Amen.
The Psalmist as a case study was one who understood well his privileges as the redeemed of God. He prayed now, and then. In distress he prayed; when he erred, he prayed; in times of victory, he prayed, even in times of defeat (for strategies to pursue, and overcome), and recorded in the passage of scripture above was another of his prayer, that of preservation. Oh, that we may learn from the Psalmist. How did he pray, and how are we to pray remains our main focus for today?
Here we see first of all the focus of prayer (preserve me, O God). He was specific, and his prayer was focused at a particular thing (preservation). He asked the Lord directly for that which he wanted. We should as well be focused with our prayers, making specific requests.
Second of all, we see, the basis for his request(for in thee do I put my trust). He gave the Lord a reason why his prayer deserved an answer, chiefly the fact that he had no one else to run to, and in the Lord alone, he had all his trust. So it would be justified if the one he trusted did that which he asked of him. He pleaded his case with a strong reason. We should also learn to pray to God just like the Psalmist. He had a focus, and was specific. He also gave the basis for which his prayer deserved an answer. I trust the Lord has ministered one or two things to our hearts today. May these words dwell richly in us. Amen.
Thought for the day:
In praying, seek to be specific (pray with a focus), and learn to plead your case before the Lord.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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