To begin with today's lesson, there's a picture I would like to create in your mind to best explain today's lesson. Do you remember those times when you had to do some assignments your friends didn't do? All they wanted to do was to wait for you to come around so they could copy your work. Do you remember how it is that you struggle most times to give them your work? This is because at that point, you felt there was an idea you didn't want them to know about, and the fact that you didn't want them to take the glory for what you did, right?
The reason many people make discoveries and refuse to share with people is due to the fact that they do not want the credit for their work to be taken by some other person. This may be termed plagiarism and it is a very serious offence in education, and that if at all you must use someone's idea, you would have to reference the person, that is, acknowledge the fact that the idea was not yours but someone else's idea. Why all these? So that no man would take the glory of another for himself. So many persons in the world today have taken the credit that was supposed to be given to the real owners of the ideas for themselves.
This is the very reason it is becoming so difficult for people to want to share their ideas with others or even trust them except there's something to ensure that the idea will not be stolen. God however isn't afraid that is idea will be stolen. His wisdom cannot be stolen. As God, it is just against his nature to give his glory to another. He will not watch to see your give his glory to another. Shall we look into passage of scripture for today as I trust the Lord to help us?
"I am the Lord : that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" (Isaiah 42:8).
First God starts by saying in this passage that he is the Lord which means that there's none else beside him. None can be compared to him in wisdom, in power, in knowledge and in understanding. This is the first thing to note, the fact that he is the Lord. Knowing this first will help us understand the part of that scripture. He says that is his name. The fact that he is the Lord. He is not exaggerating it. He is just stating the fact. He is not a Lord or some Lord. He is the Lord. The only Lord over all creation.
Now you understand why he would not give his glory to anyone or permit his glory to be shared with anyone, right? Because he is the Lord, and none can be compared to him. None except him is deserving of his glory. No other person except him deserves to share in his glory. He created all things, know all things, can do all things, he does not faint, he is infinite in wisdom, there is no searching of his understanding, etc. No one comes close, and so no one should seek to share in his praise. No man, no graven image, nothing in heaven or in earth. Nothing, and no one in this world deserves to be given his glory. God will not give his glory to anyone neither should you. He alone deserves all the glory he gets, and all the glory should be given to him alone.
Read: Today, 28th December in Christian History
Do you know why salvation is by grace and not by works? So that no man would boast before him, that is, take his glory. Do you know why he used the weak things to confound the strong, and the foolish things the wise? So that no man will glory in his presence. Do you know why you cannot search out his understanding, his power, his wisdom, his knowledge? So that no man will share in his glory. This is just God. He will not give his glory to man or graven images, and as children of his, we should not in any way give his glory to man or things that cannot be compared to God in any way. He alone is the Lord, and he alone deserves all our praise. All glory must and should be given to God alone. The Lord let his word dwell richly in our hearts. Amen.
Thought for the day
None can be compared to God in power, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and as such, none deserves to share in his glory. God will not give his glory to anyone neither should you as his son.
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