Allow me to Speak to the King in You by Emediong Ebong

Allow me to Speak to the King in You by Emediong Ebong

Allow me to speak to the king in you. Yes, you who had been reject ed yesterday. You, who has been mocked even today and living like a pauper, unaware of the glory of your latter days.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. Yes, you who was born in sin, shapen in iniquity, living in obscurity, unaware that you are royalty.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. You are the workmanship of God recreated in Christ Jesus, a beautiful masterpiece, a product of the best craftsmanship.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. You are created in the image of God, made in His likeness, to show forth His brightness in a world filled with darkness.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. Yes, you who have spent money on the things that are not bread. You who have labored all your life for the things that do not satisfy. See, only in Jesus can you find bread that satisfies you for life, which is why he is called the bread of life.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. You who have been thirsty for so long and cried so hard, your throat is now dry. See, only in Jesus can you find streams of living water that take its source from an inexhaustible fountain because He is the river that never runs dry.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. For you are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, a special people, called to sing the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into marvelous light. Yes, we have been called into a marvelous light that shines so bright it draws kings to its brightness. A light that travels faster than the speed of natural light, and can bring nations from afar.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. Yes, you are royalty. But until you discover your identity as one who has been called by a divine entity, you will continue to live a life of obscurity.

Allow me to speak to the king in you.

See, only after you have eaten of the bread of life and drank from the streams that never run dry. Only then will your life fulfill the words of Isaiah 55 verse five that says, “you will summon nations you have never heard of, and nations that have never heard of you will come looking for you”.

Allow me to speak to the king in you. Only after you have learned at Jesus' feet, and received from his Holy Spirit, only then will you have the dominion that He gave to man at the beginning of creation.

And finally, allow me to speak to the king in you. Yes, you are royalty. But until you begin to walk in the purpose that defines your identity, You will live and die a non-entity. Thank you.

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