Fiery Fire by Samuel Dahunsi

Fiery Fire by Samuel Dahunsi
Oh, how I long to be on fire!
How I desire to kiss those fiery coals!
Holy Ghost, quicken me, this need is dire!
Kindle this flame in my soul!

Oh, how I long to blaze!
How I so desire the fiery rage!
Undeterred, with an heavenly gaze!
Let loose from every fleshy cage!

Oh, how I long to burn!
Uncontrolled, like an inferno!
Hearken to my supplication!
Fill me till I overflow!

Oh, how I long to be drunk!
Intoxicated by your 'winely' love!
How I long to be totally drenched!
With fiery showers from above!

Oh, how, after you, I long to pant!
Like the deer, after the waters!
I don't just want to rant!
Raise up my prayer altar!

Stir up this hunger in me!
Consume me with your zeal
Your presence, I want to feel!
Here I am, on my kneel!

I wanna be a mighty force!
A terror to the devil!
A potent voice of the cross!
Jesus, lay on me this mantle!

Let it rain, Lord!
Withhold it not from me.

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