I am a spiritual archaeologist
I've set forth at dawn, with the Holy-scroll
Feet walking the ancient path to grow wiser
I am finding rest, the days of peril are here
The carnal minds call it jet age!
Via that ancient landmark, my mind
Soars on the wings of inspiration of the
All-searching man in white robe, hoary hairs
On the threshold of the word of life in the Holy scroll.
I dig out the artefacts of the Old Covenant,
the abstract of this testament of yore says
Of Men of yore finding God in mountains,
Of how Moses found him in a burning bush
& then, of the ordinaces of Yahweh activated
In the sacred Tabernacle of three layers;
In the Outer layer:
Yahweh torrents fire to consecrate sacrificial mortals
In the inner layer:
There's the illumination of menorah
And then, the Holy of holies:
There dwells the Shikenah fire!
There, a man becomes an oracle of God
There flows river of liberty, joy & rest!
The password to this third layer lies
In the ministry of priesthood.
Ever adding firewoods, the fire mustn't go out!
The ancient is the harbinger
Of the new covenant that is come.
& the Son brings a new covenant
So that every man's body becomes
A configuration of that temple, tabernacle
To keep burning is to keeping adding logs
On the altar of daily Word study, a moment of still
On the altar of intercessions without cessation
& blasting tongues of fire in the Holy Ghost.
Beautiful piece
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