The Burning Altar by Oluwatobi Ogunyemi Abiodun

The Burning Altar by Oluwatobi Ogunyemi Abiodun
We know there's a feast with the King,
A bouquet with Saints,
A Communion with the Holies,

The fire place has to be set,
To prepare for the feast we know not the date,
Or a bouquet only the Kings knows when it would commence.

It mustn't burnout
It mustn't quench
It mustn't get burnt
The fire in the firehouse

What to be done!

Each with his stick must gather round,
To ensure it keeps burning.

Your stick of consistency,
Mine; of prayer,
Theirs; of love,
Ours; of the Spirit,
Would make the fire keep burning.

The feast has started,
Some have been called to glory,
Some prepared,
Others; fully aware,
Few were taken by surprise,
Little weren’t allowed to say goodbye
To dine and wine with the King

The ones left
Must ensure that the fire doesn't go out.

Else we'd get cold
And become Vulnerable.
It must keep burning!

The fireplace!
Our Altar!

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  1. God bless you, sir's and ma's. 🙏🙇‍♂️💓

  2. The fire on the altar must keep burning 🔥

  3. I'm Beloved and I must confess that this is amazing

  4. This is our Focus, Powerful!!!

  5. This is our prayer, our request, our love, our duty and our hearts desires.... �� �� �� �� �� ��.. �� �� �� �� God bless you sir ��


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