You are a child of God,
Rebirthed through salvation,
Ransomed by the blood of Christ.
You are a child of God,
Purchased through the love of God.
And sustained by the Grace of God.
You are a child of God,
Disentangled from the shackles of the world
Redeemed from the curse of law,
And made righteous through faith in Christ in Jesus.
You are a child of God,
Who has been made free from sin,
And have become servant of righteousness.
You are a child of God,
Translated from the kingdom of darkness into light.
You are a child of God,
A royal priesthood,
Holy nation,
Called to show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness.
You are child of God,
Blood-bought, blood-sealed.
Carrier of the Holy Ghost
And an instrument of peace.
You are a child of God,
Your within is a ground for Wonders.
You are an expensive breed.
You are child of God,
Whose light is shining amidst darkness.
You are a child of God,
You are recognized by God and you've got God's seal on you.
You are a child of God,
A solution provider, a walking wonder
And the one whom Abba is making.
You are a child of God,
Because God says you are.
Because He knows your name and He recognizes you.
You are the child of the living God,
Rejoice O child of the King of Kings.
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