Biography of Apostle Christian Nwoke

Full Biography of Apostle Christian Nwoke

Apostle Christian O. Nwoke is the president of God's Army Global, a unique Apostolic teaching ministry with dynamic graces.

He is blessed with a deep revelational insight into God's Word and is known for his much emphasis on righteous living. From Owerri, South-Eastern Nigeria, his ministry is imparting several souls across the nations today through its teaching ministry known by many as gag sermons. 

As the President of God's Army Global, Apostle Christian Nwoke was once a campus cultist and like Saul on his way to Damascus, he was arrested by the Lord Jesus on his way to one of the then numerous campus cult initiations in a forest.

He has been burning for the Lord for many years now and still burning for God, never to retire.

He was called to be an Apostle of God as the Lord Jesus showed to him in a vision on Sunday the 4th of December, 2011 when he saw a great assembly of saints and each was to be given an assignment. According to the vision, many lost theirs, while few got them. Apostle Christian Nwoke was thus called a “Special Duties Prefect” by the Lord in that very revelation, foreshadowing the Apostolic ministry God has ordained him to operate in.
God’s Army Global as a ministry was established on February 11th 2018 and the God of the commission has showed Himself faithful hitherto with many testimonies of salvation, divine healing, and total transformation of men and women from different parts of the world, as a result of God’s visible Grace and Favour upon the life and ministry of this vessel of honour. God has touched and is still touching several lives in all continents around the world through GAG SERMONS Preached by Christian Nwoke.

Christian Nwoke is happily married to his soul mate Barr. Juliet Christian-Nwoke, a very devoted daughter of God, strong supporter and co-builder of the GAG vision and they have a wonderful son “Gabriel” together.

Christian is a man with a strong burden to see men and nations come to Repentance and Divine Fullness through the KINGDOM GOSPEL.

REVIVING THE TOTAL MAN is the goal of his ministry.

To write the man of God, email: [email protected]

GAG is the acronym for GOD’S ARMY GLOBAL…

GAG is an end time Apostolic Teaching Ministry.

This is a commission given to Apostle Christian Nwoke in a vision by the Lord Jesus Christ on the 12th of 12 (December), 2012. This is also known as Vision 12,12,12.

On 12,12,12, I saw Jesus come to me with a host of angels and I went to usher him into an assembly I had prepared for him. The Lord was in His glory in the vision as I couldn’t stand before Him as I fell to my feet and He raised me up. The Lord told me some private things in this vision and was to return later to me at night of  the same day.

The Lord Jesus came to me at midnight of the same day. He was wearing a white robe and was putting on a sandal that looks like ancient roman sandals (those sandals that have lace going almost up to the knee point).

As He walked with me, the Lord Jesus was at the front of me and then He took me to a cleft on the mountain top where I saw the entire world in deep darkness, but there were few lights like stars and the Spirit of God told me, those lights were the saints on earth…afterwards, the Lord Jesus told me this exact words as I continued looking at the world that was besieged by gross darkness:


These words and vision is true and without human addition. These events are part of the threshold occurrences to the birthing of God’s Army Global.

The ministry (GAG) officially started off on February 11th 2018 in Abuja Nigeria as a heavenly commission, binging great glory to the God of heaven.

OUR MANDATE:is to bring the Fullness Of God to every man Everywhere And Taking As Numberless As The Sand By The Seashore To Heaven With Us, Even You.

Christian O. Nwoke

He is married to his soulmate Juliet Christian-Nwoke a lawyer and they are blessed with two sons together, Gabriel and Derek.
Apostle Christian Nwoke is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X. 

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