World Prayer Stretch Day 35: Prayers for Chad

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you to Day 35 of our Prayer stretch for countries across the world. If you are joining this prayer stretch, please kindly follow the instructions on our announcement page here. If you want to read through the Bible in the course of this prayer stretch, kindly download our Bible Reading Guide here.

Today, we are praying for Chad. Kindly find the prayers below:


World Prayer Stretch Day 35: Prayers for Chad


Lord we thank you for Chad. Thank you for your light in this land.

Dear God, we pray that you show us your mercy in this land and help us to be fruitful. Look upon our suffering and send help to our cities. Let our land be healed of corruption and related vices that affect our economy. Let your blessings flow everywhere in this land in the name of Jesus.

We put our trust in you, and pray that you help our leaders to know the right things to do. Lead us into good waters and calm every trouble in our hearts. Your reign shall be forever in our land because we put you above all things. Help our leaders to do the right things so our country shall be comfortable for your worship. 

Take away lack from our land and the evil that comes with it. Help us to be financially frugal as a nation. Raise men like Joseph who will understand the seasons of famine and the seasons of plenty. Position is in your will oh Lord. Teach us your ways and help us to walk in them in the name of Jesus. 

We pray for peace in this land in Jesus' name. Amen

If you are reading this, thank you for joining today's prayer stretch and we hope you come around tomorrow. To receive Whatsapp prompts from the 195 Day Prayer Stretch team, kindly click here to join the WhatsApp group.

Also we believe that the Gospel can only reach the ends of the earth if you share. Please, do well to share these prayers with your friends and families. God bless you!




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