12 Important questions to ask before going to a relationship


Love. I can talk about love all day😉.

The aspect of love which I will talk about today is one which unarguably is considered one of the most critical decisions to make in someone’s life – This is to get the choice of the person you should marry.

Today, one of the top cases in the courts of law is divorce. But why is all this happening?

Most of the time it comes with being misinformed. I have seen situations whereby marriages were arranged for people, that’s not so good. It could also arise due to pressure.

While the ideal thing is to be acquainted with the person before considering a relationship there is still a likelihood that you have not asked the most important questions all this while.
I’m sure you didn’t think you should ask some questions before going into a relationship with that person, and it’s even better if you do.
However, I have listed some of the questions which I believe are paramount and must be answered if you want something serious that won’t end in court.😏

No worries, I’ve got some tips for you. Let’s begin. 💃

1. What is love to you?

As simple as the question sounds, it’s one of the most important questions to ask before going into any relationship. It might interest you to know that “love” means different things to different people. To some it's pain and anguish (I’m sure you don’t want that), it's sex, it is TikTok, to some, it is dominos, to some affection, it's money.
Know what it is to them so you can know where you are into.

2. Who else you loved?

More like asking what their past relationship was like. Why did they need to break up?
Questions like this can help you know what you are about to do and who you are about to engage yourself with.
Have they been single all their lives?
You should ask especially if you have not been single.

3. What is your genotype?

This question looks very weird but I’ve seen people invest their emotions, money, and energy into a relationship only to find out that genotype is not on their side. Please do well to ask about the genotype and yes, the rhesus factor is as relevant as the genotype.

4. What is your addiction?

You should know if the person has an addiction and if you are ready to cope with the addiction. That’s very important.
Is the person addicted to validations, drugs, the internet, or any other thing? You should know before venturing into the relationship.

5. How many are too many to date?

You should know how many is too many to date for that person. You might be surprised some people feel there is nothing wrong with dating more than one person. You might just be the number 5.

6. What is cheating to you?

One of the very things that cause havoc in relationships is the subject of cheating. But funnily, the way people view cheating differs. Not only romance even conversations. You might want to know the limit and boundaries of your intended partner before starting a relationship.

7. What are your future goals?

How do they see themselves in the next 5 years? Does it tally with something you will like to be associated with?

If they want to become pastors. Do you want to be a spouse to a pastor?

8. What is the goal of the relationship?

Does the relationship have a goal? Are you going into a purposeless relationship?

If it does have a purpose, what is the purpose?
Babies? marriage? Fun?
Why go into a relationship that doesn’t have marriage as the goal? Why allow your God-given emotions to be worn-out?

9. How often do you get angry and how you do handle anger?

Here you want to know what makes them angry and how often they get angry.

10. What are people’s complaints about you?

It’s probably something the person doesn’t even take into consideration. If it's something that a lot of people are talking about it's likely something he should diligently watch out for.
If you are already in a relationship the questions are also relevant.

It’s not like you are going to bombard the person with a list of ten things.


It can be in between chats. Not so obvious you know😊

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