Do You Look to God For Strength: Gospel Today Devotional - 17th January 2023

In chapter 26 of the book of Matthew, a very interesting account of our Lord Jesus was given. In this particular chapter, there was a plan to take the Lord Jesus and then kill him.

Do You Look to God For Strength: Gospel Today Devotional - 17th January 2023

Well, this isn't strange, is it? Of course not because that was the exact reason for which the Lord came, and whatsoever happened was to fulfill that which had already been spoken by the prophets. Although several attempts to seize him didn't work, that still didn't prevent them from trying and planning even more. 

Our study for today will be focused on this particular occurrence, that which led to his arrest for the sake of the cross, and how his disciples took it, most especially, Peter. I trust however that the Lord through his word today will minister grace to you, and me. Amen. Let's see our anchor text for today:

"Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. [34] Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. [35] Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples." (Matthew 26:33-35).

When Jesus realized it was almost time for him to depart, and to take upon himself the guilt of sinful men, he began by telling his disciples what was going to befall him and even took the last meal with them before he departed from them. And the scripture has it that one of his disciples betrayed him (Judas Iscariot), but do you know that another of his disciple denied him?

When Jesus had seen all that was going to happen, he made a statement to his disciples but Peter in the first verse in our anchor text said that was never going to happen, and Jesus looked at him and made another statement to him in the second verse that he was going to deny him thrice, and yet again, Peter said "impossible", and even said at the point of death, that wouldn't still happen. Did the words of Jesus come to pass? Did Peter do that which he said? Of course, the words of the Lord will surely come to pass, but Peter failed in his promise.

If we are to read the whole chapter, we would discover that Peter was the first to be offended because they came to arrest Jesus as he drew out a sword, and cut off the ear of one of the men that came to arrest Jesus. Out of the disciples, it was the same Peter who had vowed never to deny Jesus who denied him when he saw the situation of things.

What can we learn from all these? Sometimes, as believers, we make promises when not faced with circumstances that will test our faith, and see whether or not we'll fulfill those promises but then the word of the Lord comes to you, and I today that, unlike Peter, even amid challenging situations, we should hold on to our words, glorifying the Lord.

Second of all, it is vain to think as believers, that we on our own can do certain things just like Peter but then, we must learn that our strength or ability to do things should be only in the Lord, and at all times pray for the grace to stay in his will. The Lord help us all. Amen.

Thought for the day: Do not think that you can by yourself do anything. You must look to God for strength.

Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, inquiries/testimonies, please call or WhatsAp09168301042 or Email: [email protected].

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