Men were given up to their vile passion
To the uncleanliness and lust of their heart
God’s truth was exchanged for lie.
But as His word declares “Let God be true and every man a liar”
Worldliness became enthroned, sitting arrogantly
And the order of the day? Immorality!
His heart became puffed with everything except God
The same Whose Son gave up His last drop of blood
He was taught to allow darkness thrive
So he became joy deprived
Deriving his pleasure from sensuality
Making a mess of purity and chastity.
Comfortably choosing carnality over spirituality
He’d rather acknowledge his favourite celebrities
Than raise holy hands unto the Lord
Who formed his being and entirety.
Life challenges stares right back at his face
He was supposed to be Jacob-seeking God’s face
Instead he seeks to compromise
Rejecting and refusing to hold unto the Gospel’s promises
Lo! A time is upon us, and now is
When a people cutting across race and gender
Would boldly take the Gospel even farther.
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
They cover the face of the earth
Standing on the hills they are beheld as men of valor
Constantly radiating God’s glory and remarkable splendor.
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
They are fashioned by Yahweh
To the demerit of dark works that leads astray
The chauffeur has sounded and they reckon with its sound
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
Their feet is shod in preparation for the Gospel
Proclaiming peace and salvation
Restoring ancient landmarks even to all nations
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
Heaven’s King is with them
The shout of the King is amongst them
They are dauntless having the strength of a wild ox
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
Those in darkness have seen a great Light
The region and shadow of death, upon them has Light dawned
Their words has gone to the end of the world
For they are unashamed of the Gospel!
They are Witnesses, making known the testament of Jesus
To the Jews and Gentiles alike,
The power unto salvation would be made known
By these dauntless men unashamed of the Gospel!
©Nwanna Perpetual Oluchi.
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