Christian Poetry: Crucify him!


Crucify him,

 Crucify him,

shouted people,

whom he healed.

 Crucify him,

Crucify him,

 shouted people,

 whom he delivered.

 Crucify him,

 Crucify him,

 shouted people,

 whom he feeds in the wilderness.

Crucify him, Crucify him,

shouted people,

 who listen to him daily.

Crucify him, Crucify him,

 shouted People,

 who called him master.

 Crucify him,

 Crucify him,

 shouted People,

 who called him a teacher.

 Looking at the multitude,

None he found,

 to stand up for him.

 Carrying his cross,

 Wiped with cord,

 Spitted upon by people,

 he ministers to daily.

 Nailed on the cross,

 Even when he is blameless,

 Nailed on the cross,

Even when he is sinless.



He pleaded on behalf of these people,

 Calling their actions ignorant.

 He was sacrificed,

 For the sin of this one's


They mocked him,

 He was sacrificed,

 So they can be blameless,

 He was sacrificed,

 For my sin,

 He was sacrificed,

 For your sin.


 We crucify him daily,

We shout,

Crucify him,

Crucify him,


By going back to our sins.

We nail him daily,

Disobeying his commandment.

We ignore the pain,

We put him through daily,

We love our flesh,

We love our comfort,

But we cause him pain,

We make him bleed

Because we value our flesh.

How long ?

Do we want him crucified?

How many times?

Do we want him nailed?.

Do you want to remain in sin?

Do you want to continue crucifying him?

Make your decision before it is too late.

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