Christian Drama: Unashamed of the Gospel by Omotosho Oyindamola Omolara


  • Brittney
  • Mr Adigun (Brittney’s father)
  • Mrs Adigun

3 Unknown girls
4 witches

Act 1 Scene 1

(light falls on the stage showing a young lady named  brittney in her teens pacing up and down in a well decorated and adorned bedroom, plastered on the wall are notes of bible verses, prayer points and different bible characters. She was seen muttering tongues and sweating profusely,  beside her was a  boombox playing a Theophilus sunday's song " sow my life").

Unashamed of the Gospel by Omotosho Oyindamola Omolara

Brittney: Father, oh my father grant unto me the grace and strength to withstand all that may come my way through the course of spreading the gospel. (knelt down and kept groaning) sow my life Lord and reap the world for yourself. My life is yours, use it the way you want. I am dedicated to your service Lord. Thank you because you have done it. Thank you because you've heard my cry, thank you because your are the almighty. In Jesus name have I prayed. Amen.

(After the prayer session, Brittney carried her bible, sat down on her bed and started reading. she kept on reading till the curtain was drawn and light went off).

Act 1 scene 2

{Curtain opens to reveal on the stage, a rowdy class of students. Some were gisting and laughing, others were engaged in some playful act. In one corner of the classroom, Brittney sits quietly observing the other students. She suddenly stood up and went straight to the front of the classroom).

Brittney: Hmmm (Clears throat) Hello everyone! (Immediately she uttered a statement, everywhere went silent like a grave, then she continues). I know we are all busy doing one thing or the other, but I will like to have our attention for some minutes. I bring to you good news which is the love of God for us, that God in his unconditional love was not reluctant to give his only begotten for us to be  killed and to redeem us.

Why do we need to be redeemed? Because we were separated from God as a result of the first man's disobedience, which caused a rift between man and God. But Jesus being our mediator lay down his life for all our sins to be washed away and for we to gain back out status with our father. That was why he came, laid down his life and died for mankind. He perfected all the works on the cross, everything you might have done has been nailed to the cross with him; The only criteria for accessing all he did is to accept him into your life as the Lord and saviour. 

That is when you will begin to enjoy all the benefits embedded in him. Confessing him and believing him is the Pathway, it is never too late to depart from that bad path you have fellowship with for long. He is calling today,He is not seeing all you have done in the past,all is gone. You just have to come into the fullness by accepting him into your life today and allow him to take the wheel. Thank you for your time, God bless you.

(There was sobriety in the air after the message, every head was bowed. Some were weeping remembering all that they've done and have said about themselves).

Brittney: You Don't have to cry, he has heard your voice and wiped your tears. Come and accept him. If you know you are ready to accept him today and make him your Lord, can you please stand. 

(Numbers of students stood up and were crying. Brittney helped them, prayed for them and got them filled with the holy spirit and asked them to keep praying. After the session, it was closing time, Brittney was seen heading out the classroom to the route that leads to her house, she was singing when all of a sudden three (3) ladies came out of the bush looking devilish and devouring, Brittney stopped on the track and was standing face to face with them).

1st Unknown: Na you abi , nah you dey do gra gra , you dey do as if nah only you sabi ,nah only you fit deliver speech and talk to people abi. Today is your last day on earth.

2nd Unknown: Leave am nah, shebi nah only you sabi deliver person and fit preach. Wetin we do you? why you con dey remove people from our kingdom go your own?. You no fit do your own,make we do our own? we no dey disturb you now, why you con dey disturb us?

Brittney: (Standing still and not afraid or moved by all they were saying). If everything I have been doing has been depopulating your kingdom and populating my Father's House,then it worths more. I don't know about your kingdom,or your gang, but there is only one kingdom I am aware of, which is the kingdom of light which gives eternal life. it will be of great benefits to you to depart from the way of the devil and follow the path of everlasting joy.

3rd Unknown: You are still bold enough to speak, you are not terrified by our look. What is inside of you that gives this level of confidence. You think say I no fit do you bad abi? dey there

Brittney: Why will I be afraid? For 2Tim1vs.7 says" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". So tell me why I will be terrified. (she beamed with a smile). For I have a Father in heaven, who I am happy to do his work

2nd Unknown: Abeg let us beat her and leave this place quickly. she was beaten till her body was full of marks,then they left. After their departure, Brittney stood up, dusted her clothes and started speaking).

Brittney: Dear God, thank you for counting me worthy to suffer for your name, thank you for seeing me worthy to be a partaker of the suffering. I will forever dedicate my life to spreading the gospel across the world. (She started leaping and head towards the house. Curtain drawn, lights off).

Act 2 Scene 1

(Light on, in a very large sitting, there's a three seater, a couch, a center table and several armless chairs. Two people were seen discussing when Brittney entered. They both were shocked on sighting her and stood up immediately).

Mr Adigun (Brittney's Father): My daughter,why are yiur looking tattered and beaten. what happened to you? who did this to you?
Mrs Adigun:(Brittney's mother): (Almost at the verge of crying). But why? what could you have done to them ,that made them do you this way?
 Brittney: (she chuckled)Mum, Dad I am fine,you don't have to be like this, because for this cause was I given birth to.This is small compare to what the disciples faced In their lifetime.
Mrs Adigun: Don't tell me you were attacked because you were preaching the Gospel? (she exclaimed) baba Brittney e gbami !!!
Mr Adigun: (he heaved) Woman calm down,let us attend to the girl first before we can do anything.(faced his daughter and said). I know you are faced with this because of Christ,and I pray for you, he will never leave you. He will be your help and guidance. Go upstairs, freshen up and rest. God bless you.
Brittney: Amen. Thank you so much daddy.(she left).
Mrs Adigun: But why my daughter? This will be the Fourth Time this month she will be attacked on this same cause  (she started sobbing her husband moved closer to her and started petting her)
Mr Adigun: Let us just keep praying for her. That God should keep upholding her. we both know she will never stop, even at the verge of death. don't cry again.
Mrs Adigun: Thank you dear,we will keep praying for her. (cleanse her face with handkerchief. curtain drawn & light off).

Act 2 Scene 2 

(Curtain opens and light falls on the stage, showing Brittney as she was about to enter into the classroom. She was then called by the headmaster, who was standing in front of his office a lanky man with potbelly who noticed all the bruises on her. She diverted, headed to his office. Immediately she got there, she stopped on the track and greeted him.)

Brittney: Good morning sir(she bent).
Headmaster: Good morning Brittney. How are you? what happened to all your body,Why the scars? Why are you this wounded?
Brittney: (she beamed with smile). it was some girls that team up against all and got me beated because I was doing the work of my Father.
Headmaster: (he was surprised) really? so it was because of your diligence in your father's Business, that's why they had to cause you all this discomfort. You know what, come with your father tomorrow. I need to fish those girls out and give unto them the proper punishment.
Brittney: (Bursts into laughter) Sir, I wasn't talking about my earthly father. Not the one that gave birth to me, but my father in heaven. It was his business I went about doing, healing the sick and setting captive free through the word of truth I preach. For there's no other assignment for me in this world rather than that which he has committed into my hands which says in  Mark.16vs15 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature". So what should stop me from doing that? Even when I am faced with death, I will not back off , but rather proclaim the gospel with my last breathe.

Headmaster: (He was so surprised that he did not know what else to say, he just signal to her to leave and she left.)

(Inside the headmaster's office, loads of books were stacked, The headmaster was seen with a very disturbed contenance written all over his face, a lot of thoughts were going on in his mind, then he voiced out).
Headmaster: Lord, what have I been doing with the life you gave me?( he heaved). look at this young girl, passionately going about doing your will and commandment but here I am doing nothing. All i do is to go to church, listen to the word and come back. I have never for once be burdened with souls.(he sobbed.) This young girl's lifestyle and dedication challenged me. Here I am before you (he knelt down), help me to be as bold as lion and to proclaim the gospel across the world. Help me Lord!!!!!!. (he continues praying till the curtain was drawn and light went off).

Act 3 Scene 1

(Curtain opens to show a very dark and terrifying background, lit is a small bushel with an oil inside of it which keeps it burning. A black pot is placed on the ground, with boiling water inside. Everywhere looking devilish and demonic with black and red artifacts. Standing in rows are women in their  60's, putting on a stripped attire, looking unkempt and unmerciful. All over their face was written an angry and devouring look.)

1st Witch: (Hmmm, she took in a deep breathe) What is wrong with mankind? Why are they not always satisfied with what they have?. This young girl frolicking and removing people from our coven anyhow. Abi egba mi ke. Those people that we have kept in bondage for a very long time, she went and set them free. Why is she causing us trouble? (She placed her palm under her jaw)

2nd witch: Abi o, kayefi nla leleyi o. Olori,  eje ka wa Joko je fun jare. We must do something before It is too late. Because the more she keeps spreading that so called goodness of her's, the more we are loosing our captives. How then will we have enough food to feed on? and how will we be able to gain promotion and leave the low level? Tomorrow maybe too late oo!! (She exclaimed with her eyes popped out).

Olori Egbe: ha ha ha ha( laughed sarcastically) Thank you all my coven member. I do appreciate your concern and support. I had it planned all time what I will do to her. I will make her suffer pain. I have been noticing every of her moves, but I await the day you all will bring allegations against her so as to have a weightier allegations against her. You all Know I am not always sluggish with things, but intentionally leave her till date. Now is the time to show her who really I am and the stuff I am made of. (She took a small gourge with a red cover and pour out a black substances on her palm. She then returned it to where she took it from and faced the members)

3rd Witch: That will be better
Olori Egbe: Onipe mo pe, bi a ba pe oku ni popo, alaaye lon dahun. Ajoke omo Adigun oo! Nibikibi ti o ba wa, mo fe je ki inira o de ba o. Ki o Mon roju raye arare o( immediately she finished the incantation, she blew the powder and everywhere was shaken, thunder strike from heaven and killed them. They lay flat on the ground dead.)

(Light came on, Brittney was seen lying down on her bed in pain and agony, struggling to sit up. After countless effort, she lay flat on her back and faced up, then she started soliloquizing).
Brittney: Jesus, help me. Heal me of all this.I still have a lot of grounds to cover. A lot of souls are out there who have not even heard of the gospel.
Holy Spirit: My daughter,I am not the one afflicting you, it's the devil that saw your fervency and dedication to my work, that want to stop you with this pain. Don't you worry my dear,I have made thee whole. And I have conquered the world for you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Keep on doing the work I committed into your hands and do not be afraid of the world. I have empowered you, I have given you strength.
Brittney: (Instantly, she stood up and started praising God)
🎶I Know of a God who never fail
🎶I Know of a God who never lie
🎶I know of a God who never disappoint
🎶And I Know of a God who never forsake.
Thank Jesus for you have perfected my healing. Thank you Lord. Your word will never cease from my mouth. I will continue to proclaim it to the whole world. Everybody will come to the awareness of who you are and accept you into their life. Come Rain, and Sunshine, Come sickness and pain, come groaning and agony, come persecution and afflictions. I will make it known to the world that I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL
THIS IS MY DESTINY!!!. ( She kept on dancing and rejoicing till the curtain was drawn and Light went off)


It has been given unto to us to spread the good news
More like a broadcasting company
We all have been sent
Yes it will be a smooth journey
The days of trials and tribulations will definitely come
But he told us to be cheerful, for he has conquered the world for us
For he has annoited us
Let us not be weary in carrying out the assignment
Because a crown of glory await us
Let us not forget his word that says
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.
Let us fervently do the will of the Father
He, will help us with it.


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  1. Durosaro Glory7 April 2023 at 09:45

    Beautiful piece, more grace dearly beloved

  2. Ajani Olawale isaiah7 April 2023 at 18:09

    Nice one sister. The Hand of the Lord will be strong on you

  3. More strength darling

  4. Wonderful

  5. Oyindamola Aare8 April 2023 at 18:23

    Well done Oyindamola 👏

  6. Beautiful 🥰🥰


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