Christian Drama: The Father’s Will

Topic: The Father's will

Text :Eph.1.11 - In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will

Col.4.12 - Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.

Note: The will of God is to be a living Sacrifice, be to the praise of His Glory,to make everyone the citizen of His kingdom and we're sanctified and give thanks in Everything


King of Glory:


Trader - 

Farmer - 



Light - 

Makeup - 


Video/photography - 

Curtain -

Director -

Scene 1 (Act 1)

(Curtain opens as the trader, farmer and fisherman walks in (one after the other) with their work tools to work as the king has ordered them)

Fisherman: It is such a great thing to be assigned as a fisher of men. What a privilege to fish for the souls of men? Whether it is day or night, I will fish for the souls of men and yes, the king has been gracious, He made them accessible. He will soften their hearts and cause them to yield to His will.

Scene 1 Act 2

(Curtain closes and reopens with the farmer joining the fisherman on stage)

Fisherman: Mr Farmer! You're here too?

Farmer: Yes, The King of Glory has sent me to do His will. He has sent me on an assignment.

Fisherman: What assignment my brother?

Farmer: The harvest is ripe and plenty, but the labourers are few. God has sent me to gather the harvest along with other brethren who will yield to His will. From what I see, we really need more hands to execute the will of the King and bring souls to God's kingdom. God has promised strength to do His will so why shouldn't I? Look! the Father's farm is green! We are taking this harvest for our King!

Fisherman: Hmm. Truly! We will fulfil His will.

Scene 1 Act 3

(Curtain closes again and reopens with the trader joining the fisherman on stage)

Fisherman: (Talking to the farmer) Ah! Here comes another vessel! (Turns to the trader) What brings you here my sister?

Trader: It's the will of the father! He has assigned me to this marketplace of life, where I will interface with men and do the King's will in every way I can. I must do the King's will while it is day because the night is coming when no one will be able to work…

Farmer: Let's get to work. Now is the time. The King of Glory awaits our results.

Fisherman: That's very true. Time waits for no one. We must hasten to do the will of the Father.

Scene 2

(Curtain opens to show the King of Glory who is seated on his throne to give rewards to His workers)

King: Today is the day of reward. You all will be rewarded accordingly, just as you have laboured. Many are called, few are chosen. Some have done really well, but… (King looks down in pity) others have done otherwise.

Bring forth your reports oh men. Let your reward come according to your duty and labour. I hope you have made me proud by doing my will.

Farmer: Oh King! You called me to the harvest of souls in my field of influence. I lived my life to please you and so, I have diligently searched across the length and breadth of the land. Graciously, I found a basketful of souls and here is my report oh King of Glory!

King of Glory: Well done oh Farmer. You have done so well and deserve a great reward. Take your place at my right hand. (turns to the fisherman) What is your report oh Fisherman?

Fisherman: Oh King, I lived my life to please you and worked to see your will done on earth just as it is in heaven. In my race, I was able to fish for the souls of men even in times that were not suitable. I've effectively leveraged the Holy Spirit within me to catch them. Both the noble, poor, big, smart and everyone else… The catch was so big that my nets broke oh King. Here is my report oh King of Glory.

King of Glory: Well done faithful servant. Your labour has yielded greatly and I'm pleased that you have fulfilled my will by not only living pure, but by sharing the gospel. You have a great reward too. Take your place at my right hand. (Turns to trader) Let us hear from you my daughter.

Trader: Hmmm (falls in deep silence). My King

King of Glory: Yes, my daughter

Trader: Please have mercy, Great King. I have not fulfilled your will in my lifestyle. I did not follow your instructions to living a godly life talkless of sharing the gospel. I did not live my life to yield to your will. I got carried away by the noise of the market and while I traded, the devil planted distractions in my heart…

King of Glory: I gave you strength, and understanding so that you may bring praise to me through your lifestyle. I trained and invested in you so you can teach and show the way of the kingdom of righteousness in the land of sin. I called you to be in the world but not live as of the world. But you discarded my will and disowned my precepts… (shakes head in pity)

Trader: Have mercy on me oh King! I'm sorry I yielded to the devil against your will. Have mercy oh King! Have mercy!…

(Curtain closes)

Scene 3

(Curtain opens to the trader who wakes up from a dream)

Trader: Have Mercy! Have Mercy oh King!…

My God! What kind of a dream is this? Me? A trader? How? Refused to do God's will? How? Why? This dream-like parable is definitely a message for me. Lord, I'm sorry I'm going on a path away from your will. Please have mercy upon me. Show me your mercy and cause me to walk in your will. Cause me to live uprightly and ultimately fulfil your will for all men to come to the knowledge of Christ. Lord, teach me your will and help me to do it.



All rights reserved. The script may not be reproduced, translated or copied in any medium, including books, CDs and on the Internet, without written permission of the writers. Please let the writers (Mudasiru Eniola Ruth and Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde) know that you will be using your script. They appreciate knowing where it will be performed too! They may be contacted at (email)

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