October 10, 644
Paulinus, missionary and First Archbishop of York, died. In 627, Paulinus' preaching led to the conversion of King Edwin of Northumbria (roughly the northern quarter of modern England)
October 10, 732
Charles Martel Exploited Islamic Greed to Win at Poiters
October 10, 1530
Wulliam Tracie [William Tracy] dates his will “The x daye of October, in the xxii yere of the rayne of King Henry the VIII.” In it he rejects masses for the dead, declaring that salvation is by faith in Christ alone. Following Tracie’s death, his statement becomes known to Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham, who declares Tracie a heretic and orders Thomas Parker, Chancelor of Worcester, to exhume the body. Parker will burn it publicly.
October 10, 1633
John Cotton, famed early American preacher and author, is named a teacher of Boston Church, Massachusetts.
October 10, 1747
Death of Archbishop of Canterbury John Potter, a high churchman who tried to restore some lapsed practices of the Church of England. He authored useful books, including a mathematics textbook, and Antiquities of Greece.
October 10,1891
Death of starets (elder) Ambrose, considered the most outstanding figure among the Optina Monastery’s startsi (elders). He was bed-ridden for many years and learned that it is in our weakness the power of God is revealed. Considered a prophetic figure by his contemporaries, many consulted him. He recommended repentance and the humble contrition of heart that is acquired by turning one’s life toward God and by hating sin with all one’s strength. The lives of many of his visitors changed completely after they conversed with him.
October 10,1903
Death of Emma Revell Moody, the wife and co-worker of evangelist Dwight L. Moody, sometimes called the backbone of his success. Her serenity and mastery of finances counterbalanced his impulsive and emotional nature.
October 10, 1914
Jonathan Udo Ekong is baptized and takes communion at Afaha, Nigeria, in the Scottish Free Church. However, because the Free Church is unable to maintain a work in the area, he will migrate to the Lutheran Church from which he will receive his theological training and become its first indeginous missionary to the Nigerian people, serving them forty-six years.
October 10, 1958
Death of George Bennard, American Methodist evangelist and hymn writer, who authored and composed the music for the popular hymn “The Old Rugged Cross.”
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