Biography of Fela Durotoye

 Fela Durotoye is an Alumnus of Kennedy School of Government Executive Education Program of the prestigious Harvard University. He attended Yale University's High Impact Leadership Program, as well as The Leadership Institute, Arlington (Virginia), US. He is also a certified leadership coach of the John Maxwell Team.
Through the course of his coaching & consulting career spanning over 27 years, Fela Durotoye has developed & deployed his proprietary coaching framework - C.A.S.P.E.R - to deliver Clarity, Alignment, Strategy, Planning, Execution & Results to his clients who span across diverse sectors of the economy from Banking & Financial Services to Telecoms, Oil & Gas, FMCG as well as the Multilateral & Public Sector.
FD is a guest lecturer on LEADERSHIP at the prestigious Stanford University SEED program designed to assist CEOs of businesses with operations across the African Continent to accomplish transformational growth.

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