November 18: Today in Christian History

November 18: Today in Christian History

November 18, 1302

Pope Boniface VIII publishes the bull Unam Sanctam, “One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church” outside of which there is “neither salvation nor remission of sins,” making subjugation to the pope a requirement for salvation.

November 18, 1525

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz and George Blaurock are sentenced to bread and water in the tower by Zwingli and other Zurich authorities because of their Anabaptist beliefs and practices.

November 18, 1827

Sixteen-year-old Henry Alford, who will become a theologian, textual critic, hymnwriter, and dean of Canterbury, writes in his Bible, “I do this day, as in the presence of God and my own soul, renew my covenant with God, and solemnly determine henceforth to become His, and to do His work as far as in me lies.”

November 18, 1838

Saxon immigrants sail from Bremen on the ships Olbers and Amalia bound for America where they will form Lutheran churches and colleges in Midwestern states.

November 18, 1852

Death at St. Charles, Missouri, of Rose Philippine Duchesne, a pioneer in Catholic education in the Louisiana territory. Late in life she had worked with American Indians, earning the nickname Quah-kah-ka-num-ad, “Woman-Who-Prays-Always.” Pope John Paul II will canonize her in 1988.

November 18, 1882

Kate and Frank Mills, American Presbyterian missionaries, arrived in Shanghai on the steamer Hiroshima Maru. From there they traveled to Hangchow (now called Hangzhou), where they began their missionary work

November 18, 1899

Baron Paul (Pavel) Nicolay brings the St. Petersberg Student Christian Movement into being. Paul will organize discussions, give lectures, and preach in university cities on the need to make Christianity a practical reality in life. The movement will be crushed by the Communists in 1917.


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