The great Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12: 4 -5, " Just as each of us has one body with many members , and these members do not all have the same function ,so in Christ we who are many form one body ,and each member belongs to all the others. In the Bible, the church is often referred to as the body of Christ. Just as our physical bodies have many different parts, with specific functions , the church also has many different members, each with their own peculiar role.
Working as members of one another comes from the concept of the body of Christ and this is why believers should come together to accomplish great things for God's kingdom .
Being members of one another in the body of Christ requires love, support and teamwork amongst each other. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 4: 9- 11 that, " Two are better than one , because they have a good return for their labour. If either of them falls down ,one can help the other up . But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."
Love is the foundation of the body of Christ and it is what binds us together. Jesus said, " A new command I give you : love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you live one another ( John 13:34 -35). Love is the mark of a true follower of Christ and it should propel everything we do for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
As believers, we should remember that we are all called to serve God with all our hearts. We are called to be active participants of the kingdom of God.
Apostle Paul told the Christians in Rome to live in harmony with one another so that with one voice they could glorify God ( Romans 15:6). We are constantly pictured as the body of Christ which requires us to be together , not having self ambitions or conceit but humility.
Togetherness is part of God's plan for his people . When we get together and work as a church community , we are in God's will . Not gathering as a family of believers is spiritually dangerous. When we work together , we edify each other and have opportunities to be more Christ like.
Benefits of working as members of one another
1. It allows us to experience the joy of unity and fellowship
When we work together as a body, there is a sense of belonging and accomplishment. We are united in a common purpose and are no longer divided by our differences ,but we are joined together by our shared faith in Christ Jesus . We feel this unity in our worship and service to God. We can accomplish more together than we can apart.
2. There is opportunity for spiritual growth
When we work together as believers, we can challenge and encourage each other to grow in the faith. We can pray and study the bible together. This is a vital part of a Christian's life and it is one of the great gifts of being part of the body of Christ . Not only do we benefit from the growth of others , but we also have the opportunity to play a role in the growth of others.
3. Sharing in the joy and sorrows of others
This is a powerful benefit of working as members of one another . When we experience joy and sorrow together, we are able to support and comfort each other . This can help grow relationships and strengthen our bonds. God is present in the midst of our joys and sorrows. By sharing these moments together ,we can experience God's love and care.
4. The gospel spreads all over the world and the kingdom of God is expanded.
We are called to be fishers of men ( Mathew 5:19) and to share the gospel with others . As we do this, we bring more people to the kingdom of God and to make disciples of all nations. This is not just a physical expansion, but also a spiritual expansion, as people come to know and continue to follow Christ . The kingdom of God is also expanded in our hearts and lives when we work together as members of one another.
5. Working as members of one another glorifies God.
When we work in harmony as God wants us to, it brings glory to God. It shows that we are united under Christ and this unity brings glory to God. It draws others to Christ also. As we live out our faith, others will see the difference that Christ makes in our lives. This can lead them to want to know more about Christ and the difference he can make in their lives.
Being members one another means that we do not neglect each other. It means that we do things for each other when it is either uncomfortable or inconvenient. As christians, we must not think of ourselves alone , we must think of ourselves as a body that is joined together , one with another. Philippians 2:3 - 7 says, " Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit , but in humility count others more significantly than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests ,but also to the interest of others . Have this in mind among yourselves , which is yours in Christ Jesus , who, though he was in the form of God , did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped , but emptied himself , by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men."
Working as members of one another requires cultivating a spirit of cooperation and mutual support. The church of God is meant to be a place of service where we can use our gifts and talents to help others and also to the glory of God . When we work together as a body, we become a beacon of hope and a shining example of Christ. It creates a space where we can experience the presence of God.
It is however important to seek to build relationships with others in the church and make a conscious effort to know them in a personal level. Be willing to listen and learn from others .
Also , be willing to serve in the church of God and do not neglect the gathering of the children of God.
When we work together, we create a ripple effect that extends beyond the walls of the church building. We create a community that is light in the darkness . We create a place where people can find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Ephesians 4:16 says, " From him the whole body , joined and held together by every supporting ligament , grows and builds itself up in love ,as each part does it work ". This verse of the scripture tells us that we are to work together to build up the body , growing it in love and doing our parts to help it function properly. Every person is important in the body of Christ , those parts that seem to be weaker are indispensable , and the parts that we think are less honourable should be treated with special honor. We should see each other as brothers and sisters and one big family in Christ . This is the beauty of being part of the body of Christ , we are all connected and better together.
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