January 11: Today in Christian History

January 11: Today in Christian History - The New Man Movement

January 11, 705

Death of Pope John VI. A Greek by birth, he will be remembered for his intervention in a squabble between Saint Wilfred of York and the see of Canterbury.

January 11, 1817

Death in New Haven, Connecticut, of Timothy Dwight, president of Yale, a powerful advocate of sound doctrine. As hymnwriter, he had penned “I love thy kingdom Lord.”

January 11, 1869

At the Springfield Baptist Church Augusta, GA, Reverend Kelly Lowe organizes the first African-American Sunday school.

January 11, 1933

Pastors in the Hamburg, Germany, area issue the Altona Confession, offering Scriptural guidelines for Christian conduct in light of the growing Nazi influence on the State Church.

January 11, 1942

Soviets execute Natalya Ivanovna Sundukova by firing squad because she had “propagandized” her Orthodox faith among other prisoners and refused to work for the atheistic communists in the prison camp.

January 11 

Popular Gospel Drama Minister and Actor, Evangelist Adebile Fejosbaba was born on this day in (year of birth). You can read his full biography here.

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