Christian Book Review: The Essential of Christian Living

Book Review

About the Book:This book titled The Essential of Christian Living is a 44 paged book written by Pastor W.F kumuyi in 1994

and currently the second edition. It contains three chapters


About the Author

William Folorunsho Kumuyi is the founder and the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian life ministry,Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria.He is a man rich in God's word and known for Holiness movement. He was born in June 6,1941 and currently 82 years old, married Biodun Kumuyi and blessed with two Sons.He presently lives in Lagos,the headquarters city of his Church and from there,he oversees all the branches in Africa and beyond.


Chapter 1

The Essentials of Christian Living

Essential basically means necessary, indispensable, fundamental and very important.

As Christians the six essential a Christian for living are;



3.Seperation from the world





Chapter 2

Essential of Spiritual Growth

Growth is very important in anything that will yield.As Farmers want great harvest after plantation so a woman want to see her children grow likewise a business man will love to see his enterprise boom up and bring so much profit. Seeing Growth alone brings joy to the heart. As believers,the supplement needed to aid growth are:
● Salvation from sin- Dead men don't grow,we were dead men till Christ came to be our salvation.This salvation actually costed God
● Sanctification of the believer-The believer needs to be purged of every atom of self and flesh.The secret of growth is unity,if the body isn't united there would not be growth
● Spirit Baptism-The timid and shy disciples spoke the word of God with boldness after Holy ghost came upon them.
● Saturation with the scriptures- The word of God is just like food for the body, without food growth will be stunted.
● Sonship Faith-Faith in God's Omnipotent power will make believers do extraordinary things and the more believer growth, the more capacity,the more the believers do greater exploit.
● Shalom-When peace is missing growth is stunted


Chapter 3

Counsels on Christian Living

In Christianity many people with different foundational knowledge has different believe system.To ensure balanced life and proper growth, take note of this counsels

1.The believer and conversation-as believers our conversation with one another must be gracious

2.Contentending for the Faith- The only thing a Christian should be ashamed of is sin and not godly talks

3.Time Management- Don't be a time waster,most people are busy but doing nothing

4.Be punctual-As believers this is the index of our testimony

5.Gentleness and decorum-In your various locations maintain order,be gentle and composed in every of your day to day activities

6.Evangelism and Soul winning

As believers our lives shouldcase Christ all the time

7. Power through personal bible study

Have a stable and strong bible study life just like the berean christian

8. Right attitude in times of sorrow

When you go are passing through hardship be of good cheer and let the Joy of God overwhelm them

9.Criticism and compliment

Every believer must accept these two with humility

10.Honours and recognition

Respect others worth, appreciate other you

11.Interpersonal relationship

Be accommodative as a believer

12.Growing in grace

Flee from sin, submit to the Holy Spirit and don't grieve Him



This book is concise and full of wisdom.I learnt a lot from it.






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