Author Profile - Ajayi Taiwo Jesudara

Taiwo Jesudara Ajayi is a devout believer with a fervent passion for writing and God. She is a content creator who draws on godly inspiration to craft written, audio, and video content. 

In addition to writing, she is deeply interested in womanhood and aiding others in emotional healing. She shares her messages of emotional healing through video podcasts titled "Moments with TDV" on her social media pages. Taiwo also creates content focused on femininity and womanhood, staunchly advocating that a woman is more than she may realize and encouraging her to embrace her calling. 

Taiwo is currently an undergraduate at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. When she's not creating content, she enjoys watching/listening to sermons/good music, reading, or simply spending time in fellowship with her First love.

The social Media handles. Facebook: Taiwo Ajayi Instagram: the_dignified_voice

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