Roberts Liardon is the author of God’s Generals. He is a church historian who studies why great men and women of God succeeded and why some failed. Today we talk about how God’s Generals were used in the area of evangelism.
From a young age, Roberts Liardon was destined to become one of the most well known Christian authors and orators of the 20th century. He has, to date, sold over 15 million books worldwide that have been translated into more than 60 languages. Having ministered in over 125 countries to members of the public and world leaders, Liardon is recognized internationally and has experienced great success as an author, public speaker, spiritual leader, church historian, and humanitarian.
Roberts Liardon was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the first male child born at Oral Roberts University. His career in the ministry began at a young age of 13, when he gave his initial public address. At 17, Liardon published the book, “I Saw Heaven”, which catapulted him into the public eye. The book sold over 1.5 million copies and by the following year, he had become one of the leading public speakers in the Christian community all over the world. This established him as a leading Protestant Church historian, a role he carries with honor to this day. God spoke to Liardon and inspired him to write and produce a book series and DVD series entitled ‘God’s Generals’. Its mission is aimed to chronicle the lives of some of the leading Pentecostal and charismatic leaders. It was an immediate success and became one of the bestselling Christian DVD series in history. In 1990, Roberts Liardon moved to Southern California and founded his worldwide headquarters in Orange County. Here he started one of the largest Christian Churches and Bible Colleges in the region.
The ministry helps millions of lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Liardon is a significant contributor towards building God’s Kingdom, with the belief that relationships are the key element that bonds the staff at Roberts Liardon Ministries to people around the world. Each year, millions are touched through this worldwide ministry, a genuine resource of victory for the entire Body of Christ.
Roberts Liardon continues to speak to this generation of believers, and reaches out to those who are eager to read and learn relevant messages that draw the heart closer to God. For over 30 years, he has continued to complete a demanding speaking schedule along with writing books and mentoring a new generation of world leaders to effect change for the church and society. From his ministry, Liardon established, financed, and sent almost 500 men and women to various nations on the globe to help those less fortunate.
Roberts Liardon is dedicated to many services that help spread God’s Word across the world. He has been a dedicated and motivational figure among the religious community ever since first meeting God as a young child. Through his ministry’s Home2Home project, he has expanded his services to people in various countries, where he provides ways for people to bring positive change to the world. Liardon does everything he can to assist local communities lead better and more fulfilling lives. He has spent time in Namibia, Africa, where he received permission to go into the schools and educate people on the effects of HIV/AIDS and its prevention and protection through abstinence and medication. Liardon continues to manage and expand his international headquarters in Florida, and his office in London, England.
Roberts is a leading Protestant church historian. He founded Roberts Liardon Ministries, along with Embassy Christian Center, Embassy Ministerial Association, Spirit Life Bible College, and Operation 500. He also founded the Reformers and Revivalists Historical Museum. Having ministered in over 125 countries to members of the public and to world leaders, Liardon is also recognized internationally. In addition to being an author and a church historian, he is a public speaker, a spiritual leader, and a humanitarian. Liardon continues to manage and expand his international headquarters in Orlando, Florida, and his office in London, England.
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