Our staying One (Song of Songs 3¹-⁴)

Our vow was simple, yet it meant the world to us, framed in that spot. I vowed to submit to him, in everything. He vowed to love me, to sanctify and cleanse with the washing of water by the word. 

The love we shared was enviable. It was beautiful. Both young and old wanted what we had. In gatherings, we told our story and they paid attention to every word of our mouth. Wonder why I use was?

23rd October, 2020. 7:00PM

With a couple of friends, I attended an event. There, I met them, the powerful power couple. They portrayed more than what we built, and I wanted that more; for me, for us. Is anything wrong with that?

In the four-walled house we made home, I nursed the more that I saw, now wanted, for me, for us. As unto mother, the idea birthed was beautiful, and the fruits looked so good to eat.¹

23rd October, 2022. 9:00PM

Not once did I present to him the fruit, maybe because I knew he wasn’t like father.² I didn’t communicate my want but I expected him to satisfy them.

He noticed I changed. And when he asked, I had no answer to give. I couldn’t. I wanted the fruit; for me, for us. I wanted the more that my lover would not give. 

The home we built peeled off, leaving behind the four walls and the roof. 

PRESENT. 11pm.

My love is missing,

lost into the cold hands of Night,

with no covering.

I shall get up, now,

in search of my love,

for I yearn deeply for him.

Stopped by the watchmen,

I asked them of my love, to find him.

and bring him home, never to let go again.

1 Genesis 3⁶

2  Genesis 3⁶


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