Understanding Money and the Believer

Treasure Chest Matthew 18:4-5-6, John 6:8-9, Psalm 50:9-12, Luke 18:18, Psalm 100:3 A perfect relationship of a believer with the Father is seen in the life of little children From the story of the boy in John 6:8-9, we see financial stewardship - that something as little can be all that you have, yet God honours that gift. That in itself is financial stewardship. You are better off giving because it is for your sake. You are giving for your own sake (Psalm 50:12) God wants you to give not because of the abundance in your hands but to help your heart. The one who created all resources cannot be limited by it. God owns all, not even 10%. Mammon is the only idol strong enough to compete with the Lord in your life if you allow it. If you can give ALL to the Lord, you will fully take Him as Lord over everything. In matters of financial stewardship, the first thing is to establish the Lordship of Jesus (Psalm 100:3) Luke 19:5-8 If you're truly born again, it will be revealed in your finances (Zacchaeus), because you know that you answer to God who is bigger than money. A true spiritual encounter will touch your purse. Our perspective to money should be: 

1. Stewardship

(Psalm 23:1-3). You don't own the money, you're just a steward (Luke 16:11). Generosity Isa muscle you train - if you're not generous in little you can't be generous in much. 

2. Profitability in Purpose

(Genesis 1:). All that God has placed on the earth is for you to profit from. He has given you dominion. God expects that you can profit from every talent and ability he has given/invested to you (Matthew 25). The one who has will keep having. God also expects you to profit in purpose meaning that you should not profit to service your selfish desires. Money is a good servant but a terrible master. 
There are rich and poor people who money have control over them 
3. Generosity
(Ephesians 4:28). One sure way to prevent the love of money is generosity.. a generous person is not a manipulator… he gives without expecting anything in return. 
1. Money is not to be pursued greedily (1st Timothy 6:17). If you love money you're capable of any sin. The love of money reproduces other vices. 
2. Money is not to be worried about. That worrying is natural to man does not mean that you as a spiritual man should do it. The love of money is very subtle and will creep on you like ambition 3. Money is not to be loved. Contentment is essential (1st Timothy 6:10-11, Luke 12:15)

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