Why is God taking so long?

Your favorite thing about Fridays

Have you ever thought to yourself that, “God is taking too long and I know that I am ready to handle this particular thing in my life right now?” Have you ever said, this “promise” from God has to be a figment of my imagination because my miracle is taking way too long?

As the microwave generation, we want things NOW, when we want it and how we want it.

The thing is, the more “’prayed” up we are, the less humility we have to wait and trust God to see us through. We've fasted so much that we tend to get cocky and say “our miracle should be here by now,” we go to church every Sunday, so we deserve to have this blessing. Sometimes we don’t take the time for God to teach us His way because we so badly want everything to go our way.

However, God is not a magician (like my secondary school principal would always say), or a genie. God is not here to only make your dreams come true - He is here to build a relationship with us.

We also have to remember that God’s word will not return to Him void and if he has promised it, you will receive it. It may be a year, 5 years or 10, but your delay will not be a denial. This is what God’s word aptly describes in Galatians 6:9 which says, "Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart."

So I strongly encourage you to take solace in the fact that God’s timing is perfect. Don’t drown trying to control the situation. Humble yourself and allow God’s love to be all that you will ever need and allow that answered prayer to be just the icing for the joy you already have in Christ.

There is purpose in the wait. Trust the process, because it's leading you toward your purpose.

On the flip side, as believers, we must also learn that sometimes, Delay can be a denial. We need to discern through the spirit and know how to put the devil in his place while we love Jesus with the whole of our spirit soul and body. 

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