Focusing on Jesus Despite the Winds and Waves

Focusing on Jesus Despite the Winds and Waves MARK 4: 36-39, ISAIAH 43:1-2, JOHN 16: 33, 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9. The wind will blow, but do not focus on it, focus on Jesus. Winds can be financial problems, failures, illness, hardship, material crisis, etc. Fix your gaze on Jesus at such times, because the words of life will come to you. Why do you cry when you know that Jesus is in your boat? When you walk through the storms of life, just know that he is with you. Winds and waves are part of human life, they make us grow stronger.
The Lord Jesus has overcome our problems (the world) so stop asking "when? ", "How?", "Why?" "what?" Lean on Jesus as a source of joy, stop worrying. Fears cannot solve the problem. Do not be afraid that trials and tribulations will come for Jesus assures already that He has overcame the world. You cannot achieve victory if you do not go to war, and you cannot break through if you do not pass through. At the end of each tunnel there is always light at the end. Difficult times do not last, only strong people do. It takes understanding and patience to stand up, if you do not stand up, you cannot be outstanding. *What to do in Times of Winds and Waves.* 1. Be strong and courageous, do not quit (Joshua 1:9) 2. Just believe (John 14:1) 3. Cast your cares on Him (1st Peter 5:7) 4. Fix your gaze on Him (Hebrews 12:2) 5. Be still (Psalm 46:10). 
Prayer Point* Oh lord, help me to fix my gaze on You and shun every form of distraction around me.

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