Handling New Beginnings - How to Milk the Year to Your Favour

 New Beginnings for a believer

Just like every new year, prophecies, prayers and wishes open the doors and set a mark. While many celebrate January 1st, birthdays can also be your first day of your year. In some cases, any other day can begin a new year for you. Yours could be the day you gave your life to Christ, the day you gave up your addictions or made a turn in your career - what really matters is the significance you attach to that day.

Celebrating a time and season like the new year is Biblical and necessary. It is very important because all through scriptures, there were specific mentions to events by the times and periods. From Genesis 1:1, we see the first record of time saying, "In the beginning". Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 also further explains that there is a time for everything.

For a believer in Christ, entering into a new season is not enough. It is necessary to make the best of that season. At the end of every year, people are quick to give reviews about the year and account their lessons, successes and failures for the year. One reason for this is to analyze and come to a conclusion as to whether or not the year was worth it. This brings us to the question.

How should a believer in Christ approach a new beginning?

1. Prayerfully take charge of the year. 

There is so much uncertainty that holds up for the next second, next minute, hour, day and the big future. Your plans are valid and will only become reality if you pray them to be. When you begin a new season, prayer helps you to navigate uncertainties and fulfil your goals and plans for that season. Prayer also helps you to make your plans in order.

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2. Follow God's Leading

It is not enough to pray. God gives us directions when we communicate with Him in the place of prayer. It will be wrong to pray to God and refuse to follow instructions from Him. God's instructions can lead you to people capital, finance and grace that will help you fulfil your plans and goals for the season. Your obedience to the instructions of God should not be replaced with anything else. God in return honours obedience and gives beautiful rewards as a result.

3. Stay Confident

It's not always about the planning, but about how you want to maximise your plans and laid down goals. Ask yourself solid questions about how you intend to bring your 'perspire to acquire' motivation into reality. To do this, you need the confidence to face the year. By confiding in God, your reality becomes the truth in 2nd Timothy 1:7 which says that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Growing your confidence in God means that you know who God says you are and by that knowledge, you can overcome all things. Your knowledge of whom God says you are may require time before its manifestation. Thus, the proof of confidence is TIME. That a man can be so confident with what God wants to make out of His life and he's patiently staying while others are moving. What God says you are also requires your belief  (attitude). Real pirpose requires confidence and the true proof of confidence is attitude. This helps a man to discover himself  so well that his belief  (attitude) begins to sync with his vision not as a result of pride but confidence. Thus, irrespective of the 'pressure' and 'doings' from your peers and the social media. You're not bothered because you've confided in Him so much that  you now know who and what He says you are.

Read: I was born into a Pastor's family but didn't get a lot of things right about the Bible

Finally, as you begin this new season, put in mind that God is the author of everything related to time. He controls and directs times and seasons. He must not be left out but must be put first in everything you intend to do. As the featured image in this article reads, the things which are impossible with men are possible with God, but this only happens when we allow Him to step in. When you give God access to control and direct your life's seasons, then you will be prosperous and account in the end that you had a great year.

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  1. Very, very timely and succinct. Well done!

    1. Glad it was helpful. Happy New Year Debby Osa!

  2. May the Lord help us to always put Him first in every phase of life. Thank you for the article, it's timely


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