Taking Your Faith to the Marketplace



You must have heard that Faith is the currency of the spirit. But has it always worked for you?

Life itself  is a marketplace and you definitely need to buy and sell. Faith on the other hand is a currency that beats the naira, dollar, euro or any country's best money value. Faith is a higher currency that helps the believer in Christ to partake in eternal and supernatural transactions, commanding mouth tearing results each time it is engaged.


In Hebrews 11:1, God's word describes faith as the substance of things hoped (wished or wanted) for and the evidence of things unseen. This means that if applied properly, Faith has the capacity to bring everything that a man wishes for to fulfilment.

There is great contrast in the fact that you cannot see Faith, but you have to see its ability to do whatsoever you want it to. It is not surprising even with the fact that you can only become a believer by this same faith - you cannot see it, yet you long for a new being to forge out from the old.

Faith Takes Precaution

Having faith in God does not mean that you don’t have to take precaution. There was a flood coming so Noah took precaution as instructed and built the ark. There was also a famine coming in Egypt and so Joseph took precaution by storing up plenty of grain. After the birth of Jesus Christ, King Herod wanted to kill Jesus and the angel told Joseph to take precaution, carry Mary and the child to Egypt. Again, when they wanted to kill Apostle Paul, he escaped through an opening in a wall in a desert.
There are extreme cases of crazy faith. There are exceptions. But except you are sure about your walk with God, always take precaution as advised by the Holy Spirit.

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