4 Ways to Build a Spiritual Growth Community

4 Ways to Build a Spiritual Growth Community by Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde

Communities are an essential part of our lives because it is practically impossible to prosper and grow properly in isolation. A community is best defined as a group of people who have a particular characteristic in common and are identified by a unique quality.

In our article on understanding the essence of the church, we discussed matters surrounding the growth of the church and how necessary it is for believers to be connected to each other. The best place to find spiritual growth communities is the church. But then, how can we build and grow spiritual communities around us?

1. Pray about it

There is absolutely nothing you can do if you have not properly asked God about it in the place of prayer. When you pray about starting a spiritual growth community, be sure to hear God's opinion about it. God's backing is essential because the growth, testimonies and success that will be birthed from such community is dependent of God's approval.


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2. Carefully Open Membership

God speaks and acts through people at times. In the same way, the devil can cause an attack through people. The members of a spiritual growth community must align in purpose and mission. They must also seek individual spiritual growth as well as the collective growth of the community. Paul understood this rightly in 2nd Corinthians 6:14. A carefully selected membership also gives room for accountability as regards the individual and collective growth of members of the community.

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3. Engage in Divine Activities

Fasting, Prayers, Bible Study sessions and vigils are brilliant ways to run a spiritual growth community. These spiritual activities should be divinely led because they are necessary to keep each member on check and ensure that growth is constant. It is important to note that growth cannot be uniform but can be constant. Growth cannot be uniform because it varies and is dependent on the input, sacrifices and willingness of each individual.

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4. Focus on your Strength

While trying to properly represent the complete and perfect ministry of Jesus, your spiritual growth community can focus on the specific callings and assignment of God per time. The believer in Christ is given multiple gifts and some are assigned as teachers, prophets, apostles, and interpreters among others. As such, a spiritual growth community can focus as a Prayer Circle, Faith Boost, Intercessory body or function as a Bible Study group. In which ever way, a direct focus is necessary to channel effects that are groundbreaking in the advancement of the kingdom of God.

A community gives you breathing space, accommodates your growth and ensures that support is mutually enjoyed. 




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