The Exemplary Faith Lifestyle of Abraham

The exemplary faith lifestyle of Abraham by Akinjobi Oluwagbemisola

In our call to salvation, we have the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. We also have the promise of dominion over systems, kingdoms, sicknesses, demons and all principalities. How then do we know that this name of Jesus works? How do we know that we have been justified to make use of this authority freely?

The Bible in Romans 3:27-31 talks about boasting in faith instead of the law and the fact that man is justified by faith, silencing the deeds of the law. At the time, a faction of the early church had issues with accepting the Gentiles into the church and the subject of justification came in. In verse 31, God is also described to be the God of the Jews and the Gentiles. As a result of this, all believers are circumcised by faith in Christ. Faith is a justification of our claims in Christ. It is more like the evidence that backs up our claim to believe in Christ. Now, since as believers, we have been justified by faith, this means we are free to use our authority because we have faith and not just any kind of faith - we have the Abrahamic faith. This is where we link the exemplary lifestyle of Abraham's faith. To begin this, let's answer; What is this faith? What exactly is the Abrahamic faith?

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In our article titled Lessons from the Life of Abraham, we shared basic things that made Abraham's life unique. One of these is Faith. Faith is the belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them. It especially means a confiding and affectionate belief in the person and work of Christ, which affects the character and life of a man, making such man a true Christian. Faith (Biblical or spiritual) is of the heart and not just the head. There are two kinds of faith. These are the common sense/head faith and the spiritually/heart-based faith. The head or common sense-ruled faith is the type of faith that relies on what it sees, hears or touches in order to believe just like Thomas. On the other hand, the heart-based faith on the other hand, believes without looking for signs and wonders. It believes even when it does not seem like anything is happening soon. In this case, there is practically no tangible asset to show as an evidence of its reality. This faith was shown in the life of Abraham.

Abraham believed in the promises of God from the very beginning of his life. In Hebrews 11:8, we read in scriptures that by faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Again in Hebrews 11:9, by faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as [in] a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise. Yet again in Hebrews 11:17,  by faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten [son].

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Abraham's life was patterned on trust in God's word even when there was no tangible security for his hope. Apostle Joshua Selman explains in one of his sermons that this kind of faith is a currency and it is only exchanged for the value that it's worth. Also, in our article titled Taking Your Faith to the market place the subject of faith as a currency is further explained. Unlike Thomas in John 20:29, that is one reason why Abraham was able to please God. In the same manner and following his example, if we pattern our lives to trust in God's word, we can please God too. We are to follow in the footsteps of our patriach, Abraham, believing notwithstanding what you see or do not see. 


In conclusion, this is the best kind of faith any man can have. It brings forth blessings. We can triumph over sicknesses, poverty, demons, principalities and failures because we have this unwavering faith in the only son of God. We know we cannot die like chickens or wallow in poverty because we have laid hold on the Abrahamic type of faith. Your faith, like the word of God, is another advantage as a believer.

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