The God we serve is indeed a good God, and there's no iota of wickedness in him. God in his great and mighty power will do everything for the good of those who love him, and do his will. Believers can testify to this about God, can't they?
As a result or God's goodness, we have come to receive many good things in him. His goodness brings salvation, and that's the reason many can be called children of God. His goodness brings every good thing to the one who believes in him; salvation, provision, protection, preservation, healing to many, and many more.
Knowing fully well that God is good and as believers in particular, we are recipients of his goodness, isn't it necessary to appreciate the one who does good to us? Of course. Our hearts should sing to him for all his goodness towards us. The Psalmist I believe thought of this when he said these words in the thirteenth Psalm. It is captured below,
"I will sing unto the Lord , because he hath dealt bountifully with me". (Psalm 13:6).
It is important that we thank the one who as a result of his goodness has done many good things for us, right? God is good, and that, all the time. This is indeed beautiful. To the one who does so much good for us, and causes all things to work together for our good, it is necessary we express our gratitude to him.
The Psalmist may have uttered these words as a result of him being beyond measure astonished as a result of God's goodness over his life. He says first of all, I will sing unto the Lord ( appreciate the name of the Lord in praise, my heart will rejoice in him and my mouth will call his name; the One who is good, to him will I offer sacrifices of praise, and thanksgiving. I will shout for joy, and make his wondrous deeds known). Why will I do this? This is because he hath dealt bountifully with me (in his goodness, he has done so many things for me, I have been overwhelmed by his goodness that I just must tell of it. The Lord in his goodness has filled my mouth with praise, and my heart with amazing testimonies that I just must tell people about).
The Psalmist didn't just utter these words, he was very intentional, and knew what he was doing. Dear believer, has the Lord not been good to you? I believe he has been so good to you. Do you appreciate him for his goodness? I ask you this, has the Lord been good to you? If yes, sing unto him for the bountiful things he as done for you, he is doing, and will do for you. The Lord help us all in Jesus' name.
Thought for the Day
The Lord is good and does everything good for those who love him. Cultivate a lifestyle of praise and thanks to God for his goodness towards you.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08161655758 or Email: [email protected].
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