Sermon: Man, Mandate and Media

Man Mandate and Media are three different concepts that can be

God's command that man subdue the earth.

God made no mistake in tagging this retreat as the Man on an Assignment. This is because no one exists without an assignment (whether good or bad). The fact that we have Christ in us is what makes our lives a bigger assignment. And that part of God which reveals our assignment is what we shall discuss in this teaching. 

To begin, in Genesis 1:26-28, we read that God was wrapping up the creation process and like a very skilled artist, He decided to create a final masterpiece in man. Thus, God said God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. We see that the 

You are the man, Every believer is that man and who you are to God determines the posture of the mandate. At every point in time, man is a part of God and he must remain in God. Man was not designed to exist or survive outside God. This is where intimacy comes because we are supposed to be a special part of God. The man should be in Christ. 

Genesis 1:26-28

Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

Genesis 1:26‭-‬28 NLT

Hen we read this scripture, we see that Hod had ended the whole creation process with man whom He created on the last day. By creating man, He decided to put everything man needed into him and gave him the authority over it. This scripture opens our conversation for the man and dominion. 

By the man, it simply means you and who God sees you to be. At every point in time, man is a part of God and man must remain in God. Man was not designed to be out of God. The position of man is in God. It's more like you have a bottle filled with water. If the water is out of the bottle, it will be either be in a cup or something or spilled on the ground. Symbolically, Man is the water and God is the Bottle. As long as man is outside the bottle, he is prone to anything. Man's default position is inside God..  God created man to be an intimate and special part of Him. Later in scriptures, Jesus talked about he being the vine and God(the father being the vine dresser). He goes further to say that anyone who remains in Christ. Man was not designed to be out of God for any reason but somehow, the fall happened.

Now, going to Man's Assignment (the mandate).

Before the fall, man did not have any business to  preach to anyone. The original assignment God gave to man was simply dominion over everything - lordship. The reason why God is called King of kings is because as men (God's creation) we are *kings* and lords by our primary duty of dominion. So, God is King over *kings*. We represent God because we are like Him. Psalms 82:6 says Ye are gods for ye are children of the most High God. So, man is practically representing God because you are a subset of Him (just like in mathematics). Being a subset means that we are part of a greater whole and that is God. So man was basically suppose to be inside God and at that point of creation, the basic duty/assignment of man was to dominate. We literally needed to wake up, eat and worship God - no issues... Until man fell.

At the point when man fell, there had to be a change. Later on we see how Jesus Christ came to.die for our sins on the cross and gave us the hope by making us new men. At the point when we became new men, our initial assignment did not change totally, but we had an extra assignment and that is where the mandate comes in...

The Mandate

[10/28/2021, 6:27 PM] Mercy Alimi BMWD: Man is a part of God and man must remain in God!

[10/28/2021, 6:32 PM] Oluwadamilotun Bonita Falola: Every man has an assignment for him to do.

[10/28/2021, 6:35 PM] Mercy Alimi BMWD: For every mandate, there are roles of administration and assignment.


Man's original assignment was to simply dominate. God is called King of Kings because man is a king and God is King over all kings. This means that  we are representing God and can be as God. However, we do nt forget that we have the King over all (Psalm 82:6)
Taking each word here one after another, we can definitively say that”

  • The man is “You”
  • The Mandate is “Your Assignment”
  • The Media is “Your means”

The Man

By creating man, God decided to put everything man needed within him and  gave man authority over it. In this part of scripture, we shall look intensively into man and dominion.
The man as mentioned earlier is you, your spirit and your relationship with God. At every point in time, man is a part of God and must remain in God. Man was not designed to live or survive outside God for any reason. Take for example, if you have a bottle with its content. If the content is out of the bottle, that means its either in another container or spilled on the ground. In whichever case, the content is always designed to fit and stay into the bottle.  This is why man has to be intimate with God because we are a special part of God. Later in scriptures (John 15), Jesus was speaking and He talked about how that He is the vine and His father is the vine dresser. Anyone who remains in Christ…
Man should ordinarily never live outside God, but somehow, the fall happened. This is where the assignment changed. Before the fall, man did not have any business with preaching to save any soul or have some great commission somewhere.

The Mandate

The mandate is simply described as the assignment. God’s original assignment for man was to have dominion over all things - Lordship. The reason why God is called the King of Kings is because as men, we are originally kings, but then He is the King over (kings) us all - Psalm 82:2. Man is a subset of God, a part of Him 

A mandate is an official and authoritative order  or command to do something. It can also be an authorization to act given to a representative accepted the mandate of the people. Here are a few facts about a mandate:

  • For every mandate, there are rules of administration and assignment
  • Every mandate has a territory
  • Mandate is a Noun and a Verb. Understand when God is referring to the noun or the verb
  • It can be risky to interpret a mandate with mere head knowledge

to officially require (something) : make (something) mandatory : order a law mandating recycling also : to direct or require (someone

A mandate from a leader is a command you can't refuse.

What does it mean to be a man made in the image of God? And what does it mean to be a man under God’s grace, called according to His purpose? This topic cuts through the confusion of man, highlights God’s mandate for men, and encourages readers to join him on a journey of repentance and renewal. From the Garden of Eden, drawing foundational teaching for men in the earliest chapters of God’s Word. He provides clear biblical instruction for mankind by carefully examining important truths from Scripture. Includes discussion questions suitable for small group study.

Now the regal office has been given to man as the word ‘rule’ and ‘subdue’ indicate, and these are the consequences of the image of God. I wish I had time to turn to Hebrews chapter 2 and tell the story of how man has lost his regal office, but Christ the King of Kings has come and regained that regal office for man by virtue of the blood that was shed on the cross at Calvary. I suggest you read Hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 through verse 10. But now we have a new note in verse 27.

“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

The Media 

The Media can function as an altar, connecting the Spiritual and the Physical. This is why as a media creative, your mind should operate as a vehicle with which you trap creativity, and as such, it has to be perpetually stayed on God.

Christ is a system and he is relevant in every sphere

Let anything you are building connect to the spirit because that is here the power lies

No matter how creative or skillful you are, if you don't have a spiritual connection that feeds you, your work will remain mundane

When God says I want to build something, that thing represents a dimension of himself. That is why you must see before you build (see Noah). You cannot build for God what you have not seen

This Sermon was taught by Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde at the New Man Vessels Retreat. You can listen or download the full sermon here or watch here on Youtube.

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