When you say one is Almighty, it means that no one can be compared in might or in power to this person, isn't it? It means to say that amongst every other person that exist, this one person happens to be the most powerful, the most mighty, and the most authoritative, right? It means to say his words come forth with power, his person is a definition of power, and all. I am sure you would be glad if you had relationship with such a person, isn't it?
You see, in Nigeria for example, one would say or dare to say that the President who happens to be the commander in chief of the armed forces is the most powerful person, right? If you would go anywhere in his name, and his signature for instance, there would be no opposition whatsoever as everyone would say in their hearts that this is from the President. Even if there would want to say no, for the sake of his name, and the authority attached, they wouldn't even dare to do that. Praise God!
But you see, even the president with his much power as people would claim is not even as powerful as God himself. In fact, I would boldly say that no man on earth is as powerful as God no matter how much power, and authority is ascribed to him. There's no almighty as God Almighty. This is that which we shall be considering in our lesson today. The fact that God is Almighty, and the passage of scripture under consideration is seen below,
"And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins" (Genesis 17:1; 35:11).
In our series, we have come to know certain things about God, and how that as believers, these things we have come to know should influence our lives such that we live our lives just the way God himself would if truly we have been begotten of him. Glory to God. In today's lesson, we shall be seeing another one of God's essential attribute; the very fact that none can be compared to God in power. He is the most powerful. He is the Almighty. Hallelujah!
In the text above, we heard from the very mouth of God in his communication with Abraham how that God by himself proclaimed with his mouth that he is the Almighty God. He wasn't trying to be. He doesn't try to be Almighty. God is Almighty, meaning that he is the greatest in might, and power. He commands things to happen. If he says yes, no one can say no. If he shuts a door, no one can open it. If he does not permit a thing, then no one else can; not in heaven, not in earth no matter how powerful that person may be. God is Almighty. He said this to Abraham, and today he is saying to us that none can be compared to him in might, and power.
This therefore implies that as believers, we should know the kind of God we serve. That none is like him, none is as powerful as he is. No one comes even close. God is all powerful. His words are powerful. His declarations are powerful. No power can contend with his. No man can contend with him. He remains the greatest in might, and power. No battle is too difficult for him. There's no door he cannot open nor shut. There's no mountain he cannot move. There's no situation beyond his control. He is God Almighty, and there's no impossibility with him. This is the God you serve. You must ever live with the consciousness of this that your God is Almighty. The Lord help us all in Jesus' name. Amen.
Thought for the Day:
None can be compared to God in power, and might whether in heaven or in earth. He is the all powerful God. He is the Almighty.
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