The topic of religion and spirituality is quite controversial because many people tend to mix both concepts together. While some do not know the difference at all, others partly do and have no a full understanding of these two concepts. As a result, in this article, we shall examine five basic differences between religion and spirituality.
Differences between Religion and Spirituality
1. Dictionary Definition
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, religion is the service and worship of God of the supernatural. It is a commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance, while spirituality on the other hand according to same dictionary is sensitivity or attachment to religious values. It is the quality of being spiritual.
2. Doctrines Versus Beliefs
Another difference is that religion are acts, doctrines and rules pertaining to worshipping God or 'gods,' and it differs according to group, community, or country. We have different religions all over the world among which are Christian, Muslim, traditional, and Buddhism. But spirituality are personal beliefs and practice which connects you to the supernatural. It differs according to individuals.
So, religion is group-based, while spirituality is individually-based.
3. Structure and Submission
Spirituality deals with powers higher than you and you largely have to submit to them. Your strong allegiance in spirituality sometimes makes you oblivious of whatever it's happening around you at that time. It is usually not an organized acts. But religion is not so. It's a well-structured and organized pattern. Sometimes, it is a repitition of doctrines which are handed down by well-revered personalities.
And this explains why there are differences between Muslims and Christians, Deeper life church and Cherubim and Seraphim mode of worship. But spirituality? Anyone can be spiritual, according to the level of their connectivity to the higher power. God is a Spirit and we worship Him by the Spirit. (John 4:24).
Religion have stringent of fear. Yes, it have some underlying fear. It constrict you from acting in ways that are considered to be unacceptable by the sect, which may cause you to be segregated from them. Spiritually have nothing to do with that. There are no rigid or general rules. You only have to know what works best for you and stick by it.
Finally, religious groups usually have leaders, which may be chosen because of their long-term service, understanding of the group, position in the society or relationship with the 'founder' of such groups. Spirituality is a relationship between yourself and the higher power. The higher power is considered the leader here. Yes, sometimes we have spiritual fathers and mothers, who are there to guide us on better ways to consecrate ourselves for constant and 'fast' connectivity with the spirit realm.
It is important to hear it in mind that, spirituality is a lifestyle, while religion is an act. There are usually differences in religious acts, but the process of connecting with the spiritual realm could be similar.
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