Burning Altars by Flourish Enyinna

Burning Altars by Flourish Enyinna

“Meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must never go out. Each morning the priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it. He will then burn the fat of the peace offerings on it.”

Sitting on a bench at the park, Tanvi remembered her mother’s favourite bible verse. Dress moving in the wind, bitter cold exploring her skin, Tanvi regretted wearing a dress instead of thicker clothes and her thoughts wandered to what her life has become. For someone who had a vivid picture of what her future would be, her present life is nothing close to the picture in her head. It almost feels as if the clarity of the picture was directly proportional to how bad her life has become. But maybe this life wasn't  as bad as she thought, and she was just overthinking. She doesn’t have it all figured out yet but she loves where she is right now. She is a girl with a mission who is trusting the Lord. 
A little girl passed by with a with an older woman. The little girl held firmly womanr’s hand and Tanvia thoughts wandered to when her life was just as innocent and blissful. Tanvia grew up in Elizabethtown with a mother who was very interested in being a mother. She had a stable and peaceful childhood  until her mother died. Afterwards, was tossed into the system. Throughout her stay in foster care, she lacked a permanent home and kept moving from one home to another. Going through high school was a very tough ride due to her lack of stability.

Right after high school, she met and fell in love with Brody – a boy living in her neighbourhood. Brody was a lot of things but at least he was HERS. Having such stability and something she could call hers after almost a lifetime of instability felt like a blessing. She moved in with Brody but shortly after, things went south. Her heartthrob thought it normal to air his views with his fists. Tanvia never had a male figure in her life so she didn’t know what to expect. Brody was everything she wanted and if his fist was part of what he was offering, she would take it. Brody came home drunk few nights ago and moved beyond using his fists and that was when Tanvi understood that although she didn’t know what she was going to do without Brody, she couldn't stay with him.

She was going to save for six month to gather enough money and get on plane to Chicago. She knew in her heart that the only way she was going to love others properly was to love herself first; she will love herself as much as God loves her. She will leave because she had this deep calling within her and she needed to do something beyond herself. She will go on a mission to help children who may be in the situations similar to hers. She may not have every step figured out but she knows that the only way to get going is to get started. She was going to leave and let the altar her mother always spoke about burn in her heart. She has probably fialed her mama but she will start again and rebuild, one wood at a time. Her fire has been out for too long and she won’t ignore the voice anymore. She wouldn’t be able to start a real fire on an altar but she would start one in her heart by expressing lasting love, committing fuly to this mission in her heart, living by God’s principle and acknowledging him daily in her life. One step at a time, she will light fires in the heart of children. Chicago is her future and she will get on a planr and leave this life behind. Soon, she would be able to whisper in the air to her mama about her progress.

Sitting on the bench, Tanvi took a deep breath and smiled, because she knows what she would do and her future just took a right turn. Finally.

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  1. This is a beautiful piece. One step at time, lighting the Earth's of children in Chicago

  2. A very inspiring write up

  3. This is a refreshing peace. It speaks of courage and strength, even though Tanvi may not see it yet. Well done, Flourish!

  4. This is a great piece. Welldone, Flourish

  5. This is a beautiful piece. Well done, Flourish.

  6. This is so beautiful. I love every piece of it. Well done, Flourish

  7. This is so refreshing. A very beautiful read. Welldone Flourish.

  8. Itunuoluwa Didekemiemo23 March 2022 at 10:40

    Nice read, well done.

  9. I see hope. Loving oneself comes first before loving others because how do you give what you don't have. I pray and hope that many Tanvi dreams out there become a reality.

  10. A beautiful piece
    Well done, Flourish.

  11. Olufunke Ogunwole23 March 2022 at 11:05

    This is really beautiful! Welldone, sis!

  12. This is an amazing piece, Flourish.
    Abuse should never be tolerated. I really do hope that everyone facing abuse in whatever form find the strength to leave, the support system they need and stay sane.

  13. Wow...

    I love this...

    It is important to love ourselves first. Even the Bible says to love your neighbors as yourself, only a person who knows how to put himself first without being selfish will love others truly

  14. I enjoyed reading this so much. I hope this reminds us all to put ourselves first and keep the alter in our hearts burning. Keep doing what you're doing flourish and keep inspiring everyone around you.❤

  15. Oh my.... God!

    This is really awe-inspiring and magnificent.
    I will always love myself first and then extend to others because I can only give what I have.
    Well done, Flourish Enyinna.


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