The Cross and the New Creation


The Cross and the New Creation by Esther Adesegun

A new creation describes a new man in Christ, it talks about a new life deeply rooted in Christ.

The new creation is perfectly described in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

A description of the old has gone is having your old sin nature being mortified with Christ, and nailed to the Cross with Christ. It wasn't just nailed to the Cross, it was buried with Him, and just as the power of the Father raised Christ from the dead into eternal victory, we were also partakers of this victory for we also have been raised to walk in newness of life by the Spirit of God.

John 1:13 establishes that the birth of the new creation was birthed by God, ''Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God''The new creation isn't just a mere clean up of the old nature, it is something entirely born anew, created afresh by the will and purpose of God. The old is totally gone and every part of its nature - pride, sin, fleshy passions, envy, jealousy, self-justification and everything the old nature represents were all buried with Christ forever. The old nature has been replaced with the new nature which is the new creation and all the realities that comes with it.

It is by being a new creation that you have direct access and intimacy with the Father. There is no new creation without the finished work of the Cross. The new creation is the man who has been born anew by the Spirit. He is renewed and recreated to have the mind of Christ.

When you walk into homes today and take a look at the walls, you see the cross made into many fancy designs from Porcelain, Sterling silver, 24 karat gold and even platinum styles and colours. In other cases, you see the different jewelery pieces. It is rather sad that many believers have stopped to consider what it truly means to display the cross, replacing it with the aesthetical value. The cross represents an instrument of torture and hanging it as a beauty instrument is similar to having a gallows or an electric chair on display in your living room. The cross should remind you of Christ’s death on the cross of calvary. It speaks of salvation and the faster you acknowledge God’s amazing saving grace, the better.

Christ became a curse for us and delivered us from the hold of the enemy. We've been translated from the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. It is through Christ we are saved and this Salvation revolves around the death of Christ and His resurrection. This salvation of ours is by grace through faith not by our works. What a glorious gift it is!

As a new creation, we are beneficiaries of the works of Christ on the cross by faith. The wrath of God towards us has been pacified, we are now called the chosen and redeemed of the Lord, we can now proclaim Him as "Abba Father" because we are His sons and daughters. Christ made all these and more possible by saying Yes to laying all on the cross for our sake.

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