What gives a man peace when all that surrounds him look so frightening? What gives a man hope when faced with situations that he himself cannot handle? He only gains the confidence to stand, and to be at peace when he is assured by one who can help him in such situation, and trust him to really help him indeed.
The children of Israel having left Egypt, were about to begin their walk to the promised land. They were finally free from the hands of Pharaoh. However, as they continued in their journey, not long after they had left Egypt, Pharaoh and his armies pursued after them.
This made them afraid, and wished they had remained in Egypt because the sea was before, and the armies were behind. Yet in that seemingly impossible situation, the Lord proved himself to be God. Why? Because they trusted in him, and did nothing on their own. The scripture below says to the believer to trust in the Lord for his help, to depend on him, and do nothing to help himself. This is what we have been instructed of him to do as seen in the passage of scripture below,
"Be still, and know that I am God". (Psalm 46:10a)
What does this imply? To stay and do nothing. It's that simple. To leave everything to him, and watch him reveal his power and might in handling such situations. It means not to think about the situation because you really cannot help yourself unless he helps you.
So he says to be still ( do not worry about the situation, just rest and relax, trust in me to handle this and so do not fret), and know that I am God(and get to see what I can do, and get to see that with me no situation is an issue, and know that I am he who can turn any situation around for good). Praise God.
Isn't this glorious? That the Lord says not to worry about that situation, not to be afraid of the mountain that looks immovable or of the sea that seems to be a barrier. This therefore comforts and exhorts the believer not to fret or panic, but to leave that situation to the Lord, whatever it may be, he says to be still. Be still, and know that he is God. This is God's instruction to you and I today. The Lord cause his word to dwell richly in our hearts. Amen.
Thought for the day: If only we would be still, that is, to wait wholly on him, and trust in him, not worrying about the situation, we will get to see and know that of a truth he is God. God instructs you to be still but aren't you trying to do what he alone can do?
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, enquiries/testimonies, please call/WhatsApp: 08174915361, 08053662272 or Email: [email protected].
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