The Gospel is not Condemnation

When the pharisees dragged the adultress woman to the feet of Jesus, one could have thought that Jesus would condemn her by saying that which she did was wrong.

However, Jesus didn’t say anything close to that. He didn’t even mention how bad or shameful adultery is. He told her He does not condemn. He told her to go and sin no more.

This is contrary to what many preachers preach today. If that scenario plays in this time and the preachers were in the place of Jesus, they’d condemn the woman point blank.

But then, the Gospel is not condemnation. If it were, then Jesus should have condemned that woman. But He had no such message for her because He was the message and He was not surrendering His life all so He could condemn others.

If Jesus didn’t preach condemnation, then we shouldn’t preach it either.

The Gospel centers around Jesus and in Jesus is no condemnation. The Gospel is about redemptive work of Christ which has nothing to do with condemnation.

The Gospel is redemption.

The Gospel is NOT condemnation.

The world needs redemption.

The world does not condemnation.

Say for instance, I have a spoilt car which I’m well aware of it’s spoilt condition. And then, someone comes to me and says “your car is spoilt. You won’t be able to go anywhere with it. Your car is useless to you. If you have an urgent business to run, your car cannot let you do that. Your car is ruined. It is worthless….. “

The information this fellow is reeling out is not useful to me. Why? I know my car is spoilt. I’m aware of the state of my car, why must you reiterate what I already know? Why? You are not doing me any good by doing so.

But then let’s say someone else comes to me and says:

“I could help you with your car. You just need to fix some things in it and you’d have it working again. “

Now, which of these message do you think I’d pay attention to? The former or the latter? Certainly the latter.

Why is that? It’s because the latter proffered a solution that the former did not. I didn’t need the former’s message because it got me more worried about my car. But I was in deer need of the latter’s message because it unveiled the solution to my car’s condition.

In the same light, the world does not need a message that tells them what they already know. Rather, the world needs a message that tells what they don’t know and what brings solution to their current state. The Gospel of redemption is that solution.

Let’s preach what the world needs and not condemn the world of their current state.

Preach the Gospel.

The Gospel is all about Jesus.

And in Jesus is no condemnation.

©️The Dignified Voice


When the pharisees dragged the adultress woman to the feet of Jesus, one could have thought that Jesus would condemn her by saying that which she did was wrong.

However, Jesus didn’t say anything close to that. He didn’t even mention how bad or shameful adultery is. He told her He does not condemn. He told her to go and sin no more.

This is contrary to what many preachers preach today. If that scenario plays in this time and the preachers were in the place of Jesus, they’d condemn the woman point blank.

But then, the Gospel is not condemnation. If it were, then Jesus should have condemned that woman. But He had no such message for her because He was the message and He was not surrendering His life all so He could condemn others.

If Jesus didn’t preach condemnation, then we shouldn’t preach it either.

The Gospel centers around Jesus and in Jesus is no condemnation. The Gospel is about redemptive work of Christ which has nothing to do with condemnation.

The Gospel is redemption. It is not condemnation. The world needs redemption instead of condemnation.

Say for instance, I have a spoilt car which I’m well aware of it’s spoilt condition. And then, someone comes to me and says “your car is spoilt. You won’t be able to go anywhere with it. Your car is useless to you. If you have an urgent business to run, your car cannot let you do that. Your car is ruined. It is worthless….. “

The information this fellow is reeling out is not useful to me. Why? I know my car is spoilt. I’m aware of the state of my car, why must you reiterate what I already know? Why? You are not doing me any good by doing so.

But then let’s say someone else comes to me and says:

“I could help you with your car. You just need to fix some things in it and you’d have it working again. “

Now, which of these message do you think I’d pay attention to? The former or the latter? Certainly the latter. This is because the latter proffers a solution that the former did not. I didn’t need the former’s message because it got me more worried about my car. But I was in deer need of the latter’s message because it unveiled the solution to my car’s condition.

In the same light, the world does not need a message that tells them what they already know. Rather, the world needs a message that tells what they don’t know and what brings solution to their current state. The Gospel of redemption is that solution.

Let’s preach what the world needs and not condemn the world of their current state.

The Gospel is all about Jesus and in Him, there is no condemnation.

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