God’s instruction to us is to pray without ceasing - so if you engage in the art of prayer by praying at the office, (whether deliberately or spontaneously) you likely fall somewhere on this list. This is why in today's edition of our Christian Metro series, we bring you five kinds of praying Christians you can find in your office or workplace.
1. The Silent Prayer Christian
These are the believers who pray under their breathe during every minute of work. They are always trying to concentrate at work while they connect to the realm of the spirit. In many cases, you'd find them with an airpod stuck in one ear so they can listen to some Pastor Lawrence Oyor or Minister Theophilus Sunday’s kind of chants while the other ear is active just incase someone yells their name. Whatever happens, these guys stay prayed up. For one, yo must never joke with them because the atmosphere is always conditioned around them.
2. The Revivalist Christian
These are the direct opposite of the silent prayer warriors. Because of their quest for radical revival, they pray loud prayers enough to bring down the company building. Most times, these ones are the CEOs or major decision takers and that's why they believe that they have all powers to call down fire from heaven. If you do not own the company or you’re not a major decision maker and you pray like these guys, just be careful because if God answers like Elijah's era, you could be on the street with your CV tomorrow.
3. The Devotion Christian
These guys are the Christians who pray at work only because they skipped devotion or quiet time in the morning. You find most of them in places like Lagos 🌚🌚🌝 where they have to beat a long traffic and get to work before 8am. They sometimes appear at work scattered and rush quickly through their devotional guides - oh yea, because they need to settle quick before work begins fully.
4. The Toilet/Bathroom Tonguer
These guys do not want to disturb your peace at the office. This part of their lives show up randomly, especially if they are having a really bad day. In a twinkle of the eye, you'd find them in the toilet or bathroom ringing Apostle Udechukwu's species of tongues everywhere. When they come out, they are refreshed and the day auto-resets to a beautiful one😂
5. The Emergency Prayer Warrior
These are a set of Christians who only pray in the office when things are about to go wrong. If they hear there’s a retrenchment coming up, a reduction or raise in salary, or when they s simply miss a call from the HR department, they believe that things are not well and that’s the only time they pray.
Praying in the workplace is a very good idea. In fact, Prayer is one of the many ways to identify with the body of Christ. So whether in public or behind closed doors, it is important that a believer should engage in the art of prayers.
Meanwhile which of these praying Christians are you at work? Share with us in the comments.
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