The Flesh Against the Spirit: Gospel Today Devotional - 5th October, 2023

Have you ever desired to do something but didn't get to do it in the end? The desire in you might have been so strong that you told yourself nothing was going to stop you from that which you wanted to do. But somewhere along the line, you discovered you couldn't even do half of the things you had imagined or even planned to do. It would look as though there's a contrary desire not to do that which you want to do.

The Flesh Against the Spirit: Gospel Today Devotional -  5th October, 2023

Bisi had planned to travel the next day. She packed her things the day before, and got everything she needed for the journey but later in the day, she started seeing reasons why she shouldn't travel anymore. It was now a contention between her desire to travel, and her desire not to travel. While she had several reasons to travel, on the one hand, she had other genuine reasons not to, but in the end, she came to the conclusion that she was going to embark on the journey, which she did, and was glad she did.

This will usher us into our study for today, and that which the Lord indeed wants you, and I to see. It is something very important I must say, that which every believer should bear in mind;  the contention that happens between the flesh, and the spirit. Below is our anchor text for today:

"For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would". (Galatians 5:17).

Let's first agree on the fact that there are two agents here; the flesh and the Spirit. We need to also attest to the fact that these two are contrary to each other. Having stated these, we shall look closely into the verse of scripture above. This is the way it is; the flesh craves satisfaction, the flesh cries for pleasure, and the flesh wants to ever prevail against the Spirit.

The Spirit on the other hand craves for righteousness, desires that God be glorified, and seeks to prevail against the flesh at all times. It is a spiritual battle, a spiritual contention. There's the desire to do on the one hand that which is good and acceptable to the Lord, and there's a contrary desire on the other hand to do the exact opposite, and often, we allow the flesh to prevail against the Spirit.

The Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 7 explains this as well, that the things he desired to do, he couldn't do but that the things he didn't do, those were the things he did, why? Because with the believer, there is a spiritual contention, a battle for attention, both the flesh and the Spirit cry against one another so you would not do the things that you would.

Is there a way out? Of course, yes. What or how? Let's back up to verse 16 of Galatians 5, the scripture says we should walk in the Spirit so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Although there's a contention between the Spirit and the flesh, the flesh should at all times be subdued by the Spirit, but for that to happen, we have to constantly and consistently align ourselves and be conformed to the dealings of the Spirit so that the flesh doesn't prevail against the Spirit. This is the way to overcome spiritual contention. The Lord bless your hearts greatly today. Amen.

Thought for the day

It is true the flesh, and the Spirit are in contention but if you walk in the Spirit, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. You are never to give room for the flesh to prevail.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to consistently abide in your law that I may not fulfill the desires of my flesh. Deliver me from desires that do not align with your will for my life.

Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For questions, inquiries/testimonies, please call or WhatsApp: 09168301042 or Email: [email protected].

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