Biography of Apostle Napoleon Eko

Born on, Apostle Napoleon Eko is an anointed minister of the gospel who is backed with signs and wonders.

Full Biography of Apostle Napoleon Eko

Apostle Napoleon Eko got born again on 7/1/1995 by a direct encounter with Jesus Christ. I saw him. We spoke. Many of which I cannot remember but I do remember some particularly whenever I read the scriptures where he spoke from.

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Then I began to develop from Church to Church meeting many doctrines and people. Became leader in BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP.

They taught us deliverance. I became a deliverance minister in Mountain of Fire and Miracles ministry until I open my own deliverance ministry which I close up in 2007 because it was a mess even though we did help few people 

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I sat up in December 2008 and decided whatever any man of God on earth knows in scripture I will know by reading all their books and I began with MYLES MUNROE'S books. 

It was in the course of reading MUNROE'S Books that I met Pastor W.F. KUMUYI 4/9/2009 who say to me "WHATEVER HAVE SUSTAINED ME ALL THESE WHILE, I HERE NOW RELEASED IT UNTO YOU".

In that meeting PASTOR KUMUYI say he read T.L OSBORN'S "Healing the sick" to become what he became so I order for it.

KENYON wrote only 19 books. I read 18. There I began to understand THE NEW CREATION REALITIES for the first time.

E.W. Kenyon, Kenneth E. HAGIN'S BOOKS. T. L Osborn, Bishop David O. Oyedepo among others.

HAGIN'S BOOKS stabilized me. He say "PUT THE WORD FIRST AND THE SPIRIT SECOND" and you will be safe following Jesus Christ. He pointed me to the EPISTLES.

From the WEALTH OF THIS FATHER and INSTRUCTORS IN CHRIST I preach. There are more which are not for this piece now.

If you check #ApostleNapoleonEkoMiracleAlbum you will see few miracle clips that are product of this knowledge. #EternityStudioBroadcast has some of our Apostle Napoleon Eko 

Naplean Gospel Foundation. Bida, Niger State, Nigeria.

Enquiries : +238036387814.

The MIRACLE REVIVAL CENTRE we are building to lead a GLOBAL MIRACLE REVIVAL from 2024 will speak volume about this knowledge practically. 

Apostle Napoleon Eko is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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