Goods are to declare to the end users the trustworthiness of those who manufacture them. They are to pass a message of durability, good quality, reasonable buying price, etc. And sometimes warranties in cases where they may develop faults and may have to be returned for repairs or replacement. All these things declare to the end users that they can trust the manufacturers of these items.
I trust that the Lord through his word will make us see that which he wants us to see. Today, we shall consider a very important verse of scripture, particularly in the book of Isaiah chapter 43, and it is seen below:
"This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise". (Isaiah 43:21).
We have talked about the fact that the items or goods manufactured are to show to us that the manufacturer can be trusted, and as a result, the goods can be purchased, isn't it? The same applies to this verse of scripture but of course, there's more to the verse than the illustration above.
First, we have to understand, that we are a people that have been formed by God, and at the same time, we are a people formed for him. This is to say, that God made us by himself. Isn't this amazing? This is also to say that we all were formed by him so we can be for him, and live for him.
So he says, this people (you who are called by my name, who are begotten of me, and are mine) have I formed for myself (have I begotten for my purpose, for my pleasure), they shall shew forth my praise (that they through their lives, actions, and many more shall declare my name, and glory to people, they shall represent me in ways that will make people honor me).
We were formed by him, and for him, and we should by our actions, live to declare his name, glory, and power to people. Just like the item produced by the manufacturer is to speak well of the manufacturer, as believers, our lives should show to people that we are sons indeed and that we have been begotten of him of a truth, to show forth his praise to people. We are to declare his praise. May the Lord help us to meditate on these things. Amen.
Thought for the Day: You were made by him (God), and for him so that in living for him, you will declare (show forth) his praise. You are to declare his praise.
Gospel Today is a comforting, exhorting, edifying, and inspiring devotional published by the Delightsome Land Christian Ministry. For q, questions, inquiries/testimonies, please call or WhatsApp: 09168301042 or Email: [email protected].
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