Who do you run to?

When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, shut the door upon him, and went out. Then she called to her husband, and said, “Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and come back.” - II Kings 4:20-22 NKJV

I've always been thrilled about the story of the Shunammite woman. There is something I found fascinating about the story of this woman. I wonder how she was able to stay calm and say, "All is well," when it was really obvious that all was not really well.

One would have expected her to scream, cry, or throw her body on the ground while she grieved over the life of her only son. The death of her son must have come as a rude shock to her, and it's even more heartbreaking that her son died on her knees.

In that state, one might not remember anyone as everything around a person who just experienced a great loss takes a long pause. However, in the case of the Shunammite woman, she remembered the prophet Elisha.

Before she had a son, each time the prophet went through Shunem, he was always persuaded to stop and eat some food by the woman. This she did frequently until she told her husband to make a small upper room for Elisha.

In return, Elisha asks what he would do for her. He mentioned that he would even speak to the king or commander of the army. It was then that he found out through his servant that she had no son. And he declared that "About this time next year, you shall embrace a son."

So it's safe to surmise that she remembered the prophet that was used by God to bless her with a son. Without drama, she did the only thing that felt right to her. She laid her son on the bed of Elisha, shut the door, and went in search of him.

Back then, God spoke to the people through the prophet. People receive instructions, get revelations, and get directions through them. The prophet here represents God's servants, and they are not taken for granted.

As I continue to read, the journey from her home back to where the prophet lives really gets me thinking. What was going through the mind of the Shunammite woman as she saddled the donkey and ordered her servant to hurry and not slow down unless she said so?

It got more interesting the moment she got so close to the prophet, and it was even more astonishing as the servant of the prophet came to meet her when Elisha saw her from afar, only for her to respond to him that "It is well."

I'm sure you must have said that the Shunammite woman is so strong. which is true, but there is something else to note about the story. This woman did not approach anyone or share what had just happened to her with anyone, not even the servant of the prophet; instead, she approached the prophet.

The moment she got to the prophet, all hell broke loose. She lost her composure and held the prophet by his feet. At this point, the prophet does not need to be told that "All is not well." He was able to see that beyond the charade there lay a woman with a soul in deep distress.

However, when the prophet told his servant to take his staff and lay it on the face of the child with the instructions that he should not talk or stop to greet anyone, that would have put the mother in a state of rest. But she told the prophet, "I will never leave you!"

Here are the lessons: The Shunammite woman did not talk a lot or share what she was going through with anyone. She knew who would help in such a situation, and she did not waste time wailing; she went directly to the only person that could help her.

Who do you run to in times of challenge? Who do you share your problem with?

Who you talk to or approach during difficult or troubling times is the determinant of the kind of result you get. When you share your problem, challenges, or difficult times with gossip, you should not be surprised when he or she shares with other people.

When you share your dreams and visions with people who do not believe in them, you should not be surprised if, in the end, your dreams and visions die before their arrival.

There is a popular saying, "A problem shared is a problem halved." A problem shared might be magnified if it's not shared with the right people. It can even be prolonged when you share with the wrong people.

The Shunammite woman would have lost her chances of bringing her son back to life if she had shared with people in her household or town. She would have lost her opportunity if she had left with the servant just as the prophet instructed.

It's important that you prayerfully enquire from God the kind of people you need to share whatever needs to be shared if there is a need for it. It is also crucial to seek God first. Always direct your fears, worries, and apprehensions to God.

He is the only One who knows the end from the beginning. He has solutions to problems you haven't even thought of. When you talk to Him, He talks to people on your behalf. Those random moments you received a call or read a post during your down moment—that's God's way of listening and creating a solution to whatever you need.


Another lesson to learn as we wrap up this little journey together is the act of kindness that the Shunammite showed to the prophet before she had a son. The act of welcoming, receiving, and entertaining guests comes with a reward.

I leave you with these wise words: "Be hospitable, be friendly, be kind, be approachable." You do not know when you get to entertain angels or get rewarded for your acts of kindness.

May the grace you need to accomplish all that is said be given to you. Amen.

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