Write the Vision; Make it Plain

At the start of every new year, we all have plans, goals, and dreams that we want to achieve. Sadly, at the end of the year, many people do not get to fulfill most of them. What could be the reasons?

Write the Vision; Make it Plain

We don't write them down. God has given many of us amazing ideas, but we don't write them down. We nod and forget.

Habbakuk 2: 2 says: And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

After writing them, commit them into God's hands. Also ask and inquire from God what is his vision for you that year and pray for the grace to follow it.

Write down the possibilities God offered you so you can act later.

And don't wait till a new year begins to start writing your goals. Start now.

It's not too late to start writing those visions and goals. Writing them down helps you stay focused to fulfilling them. You don't want to review the year later and find out that you have not done anything, so start writing your visions now.

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