With God you're more than Enough

And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant; but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue.

And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, deaf, seeing, or blind? Have not I the Lord?
Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say.
Exodus 4:10–12.

When the Lord called Moses. He knew who he was, yet he called him, but he kept on giving excuses like, "I’m not eloquent," "I am slow of speech," etc.

Listen, if you feel like you’ve got a dream that is way over your head,

You’ve been called to do something you don’t have the resources for.

Something you don’t have the connection for,
Something you don’t have the gift or talent for,
Something you don’t have the patience for,
Something you’ve never thought of.

The good and great thing about our God is that he doesn’t call people who are already equipped. If He calls them. And the people say yes; He will equip them for the calling.

Moses thought the great things and the miracles shown to him by God could only be accomplished by being eloquent or outspoken. What he did not know was that he could accomplish great and mighty things, not by his might but by the spirit of God.

If He calls you, He will equip you with power and authority.

To achieve supernatural tasks, you have to have supernatural capacity. And this can only be accomplished when you heed the call of God.

Just as important as our calling is, equally important is the timing. God did not call Moses before the children of Israel cried out to Him. He called him at the time when He, the Lord, had seen their affliction and heard their cries.

If Moses had actually gone to save the children of Israel before God called him, he would not have been able to deliver them because God did not send him; he sent himself.

Moreover, it has always been the tactic of the enemy to make us think that we are not enough as we currently are. What we currently are is not sufficient for the task ahead. But the truth is, with the power and all that is given to you currently, You’ve got everything you need.

You only need God’s blessings for what you’ve already got.

So, whenever you feel like you don't have enough, just give him what you already have. If you just try him, he's going to BLOW YOUR MIND WITH WHAT HE'S GOING TO DO!

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