Biography of Pastor Samuel Inyeneabasi

Born on April 12, 1980, Pastor Samuel Inyeneabasi is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Scent of Waters International Ministries with headquarters in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Scent of Water Ministry is saddled with the mandate to bring HOPE to the hopeless, repositioning man to God's best.

Pastor Samuel is also the host of Doxa Connect, a radio broadcast of the Scent of Water Ministry covering different states across Nigeria.

Full Biography of Pastor Samuel Inyeneabasi

As a man given to instructions and submitted to leadership, Pastor Samuel is a spiritual son to Pastor Ose Imiemohon.

Pastor Samuel is happily married to his heartthrob and they are blessed with five children.

Pastor Samuel is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also reach his ministry via their official Facebook page here

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