Biography of Evangelist Dr. Korede Moses Are Calvary

Full Biography of Evangelist Korede Are Calvary

Born on 12th August, Evangelist Dr. Korede Moses Are Calvary is the founder and International President of Calvary Movies Drama Ministry and Calvary Movies TV.

Movies by Evangelist

The following movies have been produced by Evangelist through Calvary Movies.
  • He Bites Me Small 
  • The Scar
  • God of the Bible
  • Movie Title 3
Evangelist Dr. Korede Moses Are Calvary is happily married to his hearthrob, Mrs. Bamike Rebecca Are and together, they’re carrying on the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Evangelist Korede Are has featured in a number of movies alongside Christian Movie Actors such as Toluwalope Israel Adegbo, Evangelist Damilola Mike Bamiloye,

Evangelist Dr. Korede Moses Are Calvary is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and X

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