November 14: Today in Christian History

November 14: Today in Christian History

November 14, 565

Death of eighty-two-year-old Roman Emperor Justinian. He had reunited the Eastern and Western empires politically and religiously, erected several basilicas and created the Justinian Code. This code of law will influence the development of canon law in the Middle Ages and secular law codes into modern times.

November 14, 1359

Death of Gregory Palamas, a fourteenth-century Byzantium monk. He had advocated repetitive prayer and devotion to Mary. Having fled from Mt. Athos to escape the Turks, he became bishop of Thessalonica, was excommunicated during power struggles, and eventually rehabilitated.

November 14, 1716

Death at Hanover, Germany, of the Lutheran philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz who refused lucrative positions that would have forced him to change faith. A mathematical genius, the symbols he developed will be used in calculus.

November 14, 1741

English revivalist George Whitefield marries Elizabeth Burnell

November 14, 1784

Consecration of American clergyman Samuel Seabury as a bishop of the Anglican Church in Aberdeen, Scotland. The Church of England had refused to perform the ceremony because he would not swear loyalty to the crown. The following year he formally becomes America’s first Anglican bishop. Five years later, he will help reorganize America’s Anglicans as the Episcopal Church.

November 14, 1861

At a convention of the Northern association of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in New York City, the United States Christian Commission is formed. It will minister to the material and spiritual needs of soldiers during the American Civil War.

November 14, 1869

Death of Elizabeth Maria Thompson, founder of the Lebanon Evangelical Mission. She had gone to Lebanon to comfort the widows and orphans created by a Muslim massacre of the Christian males at Damascus.

November 14, 1876

The Christian-sponsored Girl’s Higher Normal School opens in Tokyo, Japan.

November 14, 1901

C.H.S. Matthews sails from Liverpool to Australia to become a bush parson. There he will become founder of the Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd.

November 14, 1910

Death of John La Farge, a Roman Catholic artist, who had painted murals for Trinity Church, Boston, and the Church of the Ascension, New York City. He had also produced notable work in glass and other media.

November 14, 1923

In a charge to the clergy of the Diocese of Dornakal, India, V. S. Azariah urges them to “teach, teach, teach.”

November 14, 1976

The Plains (Ga.) Baptist Church, where then-presidential candidate Jimmy Carter was a member, votes to permit blacks to attend.

November 14, 1990

British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge dies at 87. After editorial stints at the Manchester Guardian and Punch and years as a BBC commentator, the cynical and licentious Muggeridge quietly converted to Christianity. It was his reporting on Mother Teresa that first brought her to the public's attention.

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