November 28: Today in Christian History

November 28: Today in Christian History

November 28, 764

Execution of Saint Stephen the Younger, during the reign of Emperor Constantine V. Stephen was an advocate of the use of icons whereas Constantine was strongly opposed to them.

November 28, 1568

John of the Cross makes his profession as a Carmelite. He will write his famous “Spiritual Canticle” while imprisoned by superiors who reject his reforms.

November 28, 1628

English preacher John Bunyan, author of more than 60 books, including the famous Pilgrim's Progress, is born in Elstow, England

November 28, 1757

English Christian mystic William Blake is born in London. A poet, sculptor, and engraver, he was unschooled but fascinated with Milton, Shakespeare, Dante, and the Bible. He experienced visions all his life, beginning at age 4 when he saw God looking in his window.

November 28, 1858

Wilhelm Weist, pastor of the German Baptist Church in Stolzenberg in East Prussia, baptizes Gottfried Alf and eight others in Poland, the beginning of the Polish Baptist Church. Alf had been a Lutheran school teacher. Required to read sermons for the Lutherans, he came under spiritual conviction and gradually developed Baptist views for which he first lost his teaching job, and then was thrown off his farm. He became an influential revival leader.

November 28, 1863

The first annual national Thanksgiving Day is celebrated. Back in October, President Lincoln had proclaimed the fourth Thursday of each November from that time forward as a national day of thanks.

November 28, 1902

Death of Joseph Parker, a leading non-conformist pastor of the nineteenth century. He produced a twenty-five volume People’s Bible and many other notable works.

November 28, 1904

Death of American Congregational clergyman Jeremiah Eames Rankin who wrote the hymns “God Be With You ’Til We Meet Again” and “Tell it to Jesus.”

November 28, 1932

Elizabeth Wordsworth holds her last Bible class, speaking on Psalm 45, “The king's daughter is all glorious within, her clothing is of wrought gold.” That evening she collapses and will die a couple days later. An author and educator, she had been the founding principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and the founder of St. Hugh’s Hall, another women’s College at Oxford. In her ninety-two years she had written many books and hymns. She was the daughter of Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop of Lincoln, and great-niece of the famed poet William Wordsworth.

November 28, 1940

George Jeffreys and several other ministers gather to form the short-lived Bible Pattern Church Fellowship, a Pentecostal denomination.

November 28, 1978 

Independent Baptist missionary James Dearmore was ambushed in Rhodesia by about 50 terrorists. Though suffering from multiple gunshot wounds, he survived.

November 28, 1984

Death of Anna Breneman Haagen, an outstanding missionary to the Gujarati-speaking people of India.

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